Fifty seven.

879 106 12

Federal Capital Territory,

"I missed you." Khalifa voiced, his eyes closed enjoying Sakeena's fingers running his tangled hair. "I barely survived without you here and I'm sorry for everything."

"I know that it happened for a reason and I hope you'll be able to share it with me one day." Sakeena ran her hair through his tight, tangled curls. "No matter what happens, I'll always stand with you." She wrapped her arms round his torso pulling him closer to her.

Ever since Khalifa got out of the emergency room he has been clinging onto Sakeena. He's very grateful to his parents and hers, his siblings and hers for letting her stay with him even after all he has done. His health kept deteriorating day by day without Sakeena by his side even though he's the one who's pushed her away.

Fahad didn't make matters easy for him either but no matter how he try to reach her, Fahad has been a barrier between them. He doesn't blame him though and he can understand how protective he is over Sakeena but he can't keep them apart any longer.

Situations didn't get easier as well. They haven't heard from Haaya for long now and God knows where she has disappeared to. Their uncle's sudden death still remains a mystery that's yet to be solved. The truth behind Haaya's sudden return from the dead is yet to be discovered. The looming threat over Sakeena is yet to be discovered. Their lives turned upside down in a span of few weeks and things just keep getting worst.

"Thank you for coming back to me." Khalifa interlaced their fingers together and kissed the back of her hand.

"I'll always come back to you even if they're mountains between us." She smiled down at him, watching the natural colour of his face return. Even though his eyes still looks hollow with bags decorating beneath his eyes, the happy and peaceful glint is back in his eyes.

The door creaked open as Amma walked into the room with Fadeel trailing behind her holding a folder in his hands. Sakeena got off the bed and gave her second mother a hug and does same to Fadeel while Khalifa sits up on the bed with a bandaged head.

"Good news guys." Amma announced gaining their attention. "We can go home now." She turned to face Khalifa. "You have been discharged but on one condition." She crossed her arms feigning seriousness.

Khalifa groaned. "I'm going to take care of my health and take my pills on time."

Amma patted his head and smiled proudly. "Good boy." That earned a laughter from Fadeel and Sakeena earning them a side eye from Khalifa. Amma turned to face Sakeena. "You can now come home with us Naisa." The room fell silent, everyone waiting for her response.

"Sure okay." She paused. "But has Mamie been informed about me moving back?" She asked.

Amma smiled. "You don't have to worry about that.

Fadeel placed a hand on Naisa's shoulder. "We've got you covered." He winked at her making her smile. His phone vibrated in his pocket. "You guys pack up, I'll see you guys in a bit." Fadeel walked out of the room into the hallway his phone in his hands.

"What's up bro." He placed the phone to the ear. His eyes widened at the shocking news Abdullah just gave him. "Say what now?" He asked, his mouth opened due to shock. Shock is an understatement to what's he's feeling right now. His mind is trying hard to process the new piece of information.

Fadeel finally found his voice. "We'll be home in a few." He paused listening to the other person talk. "Yeah I'll try." The call ended leaving Fadeel speechless once again. A single piece of news rendered him confused and utterly suprised. Just when he thought things can't get even more messed up, they did.

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