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Federal capital territory,


"What do you want?" I said as I entered the garden.

"Naisa please let me explain". He said with fake concern.

"There is nothing to explain here Imran, you lied to me and I'll never forgive you for that" I said trying hard not to cry.

"Please baby, it's not what it seems like" he said coming near me.

"Don't you dare come close to me and do not call me with that name ever again" I said looking at him with a glare.

"What does it seem like huh, it was clearly you in that video and you were the one talking".

"Who even sent you the video?".

"It's none of your business and it's over between us, now please get out" I said pointing towards the garden gate.

"Please Sakeena, I said I'm sorry".

"Sorry doesn't fix anything now leave" I said as I started to loose my temper.

"What if I don't?" he said with a smirk on his face walking towards me.

"Don't you come near me" I said moving backwards.

"What will you do if I do?" he said getting near me till my back hit the wall.

"Imran leave me alone" I said trying to push him with all the might I got.

"Trust me Naisa, I'm going to make sure you enjoy this" he said with a smirk on his face tugging my hijab trying to kiss me.

"How dare you?" I said half yelling giving him a resonating slap right on the cheek.

"You're going to pay" he said pushing me onto the floor.

"Imran please don't do this" I said with a  shaky voice.

"You're going to ever regret knowing me Sakeena" he said his eyes turning darker.

Just then, I finally gathered all my strength and kicked him where the sun doesn't shine making him collapsed onto the floor.

"It's either you leave by yourself or I call security to kick you out" I said leaving him there to wallow in his misery.

I entered the main house through the kitchen back door and went straight to my room.

How dare he come to my house after all what we had was based on his lies and try to rape me.

After Khalifa dropped me at home yesterday, I went straight to my room and cried to my heart's content. What Imran said in the video kept ringing in my head through out the night.

It was Imran on a phone call, saying he has successfully lured me into his trap and he's using me to make Asma'u jealous for what she did to him and now he has ran back to him so he's going to break up with me.

His only intention was to date me and then break up with me after he has made his so called ex girlfriend jealous.

And now mission accomplished, he has successfully broken my heart and it hurts so bad. To top it all, he tried to take away my dignity away from me.

I went to take a bath hoping that it will remove his stupid touch off of me. I came out of the bathroom and suddenly, I felt my breathing getting faster and suddenly, I couldn't breath anymore.

I'm having an asthma attack!

I collapsed to the ground unable to breath and my system not working anymore. Unfortunately enough, I'm the only one at home.

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