Forty four.

946 109 9

Dakahlia, Egypt.

"What do you want?"

The seven cousins looked at each other then Abdullah being the eldest took the seat opposite the person they're there to see. The so called person has cuffs around his hand and feet while he drummed his fingers on the cold metallic surface of the table.

"Why are you after her?" Abdullah asked with a stoic expression, his voice stone cold.

"After who?" The prisoner played dumb.

"C'mon, we all know that you're after Sakeena."

"I've locked up in here for three good years now, why and how will I go after her?" The prisoner placed both of his hands on the table while the chains on his hands jiggled. Him and Abdullah shared at each other for the longest of time before Abdullah broke it. Abdullah kept shut for a moment, a certain thought swirling in his brain. Why and how will he go after Sakeena when he's locked up in here with maximum security?

"Who has been sending encrypted code messages to Fadeel's computer then?" Abdullah asked. "An anonymous person has been sending code messages to Fadeel. I can't think of anyone capable of doing so other than you."

The prisoner laughed. "And you think I'm the one..." he pointed himself. "... c'mon Abdullah, I though you are smarter than this. Again, why and how will I send you any message when I'm locked up in here with maximum security?"

Right after Khalifa's mushy encounter with Sakeena, they spent some time with each other before they decided to call it a day. Khalifa was with Sakeena in her room where they ate some cake and right after Sakeena fell asleep not long ago with Khalifa by her side, a message popped up on the screen of his phone from his brother needing to see him. He tagged the message as an emergency which got Khalifa wondering.

What could've possibly happened that his brother need to see him at midnight? When he reached the room where his brothers reside, he met one more of his cousin there making them four in the room.

Khalifa cleared his throat grabbing all their attentions. "What's going on?" He asked with a concern laced tone.

"Sit first." Khalifa threw looks at his brother before he finally took a seat at the edge of the bed. "What's happening?" He repeated.

"Right after the suprise party for Naisa, after you two disappeared to God know where, I came back to find my computer flooding with this code messages, many of them and the sender of the message is anonymous." Fadeel elaborated while the turned the screen of the computer to face Khalifa. His eyes widened in suprised because of the messages, they are plenty of them.

"Did you manage to translate it to words?" Khalifa asked.

"That's the main issue, we don't know how to. None of us has knowledge on Cyber security here." Abdullah folded his arms across his chest, his head bowed down deep in thought.

"I called a friend of mine to ask for instructions on how to translate these messages but it's harder than I thought." Araiz, for the first time since Khalifa arrived voiced.

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