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Cairo, Egypt.

"3..2..1.." Sakeena clicked her fingers together.

"Hello Naisa's vlog" Inaya waved at the camera. "My name is Inaya and I am here to give a well detailed explanation on what really happened during the engagement last week."

"The marriage arrangement is made up of two parts; the mahr and the shakba, where the groom has to bring gifts to the girl's family. The mahr is the sum of money that the groom to be pays to the girl's family, while the shakba is a tradition where the groom gives his wife to be jewelries. All these normally happen before the ring exchange ceremony."

Sakeena raised a hand up, halting Inaya's words. "All these happened last week during the engagement?"

"It did, where were you?" Inaya asked.

Sakeena turned her head to the other side, away from Inaya's teasing gaze. "Somewhere." Came her short reply.

"With?" Inaya nudged her shoulder.

Sakeena gave her a blank look. "Myself. Back to the issue at hand." Sakeena adjusted her veil that is about to fall off.

"What are we having tonight?" Sakeena asked.

"The Laylat Al-Hinna which is the henna night. An event for the bride, all the bride's sisters, close friends and cousins where we get our henna done, belly dancers are invited and older women spend hours singing. Dancing also included." Inaya explained.

It's Sakeena's turn to speak. "In Nigeria we call it the 'Sa lalle'. It's basically the same thing, you know doing henna and all except the belly dancing."

"It's going to be fun." Inaya stood up from the couch. "Let's go and start getting ready."

Sakeena stood up as well and grabbed the camera off the oak coffee table. "I hope I'll be able to vlog honestly, maybe I'll ask ya Fadeel for help because he seems to enjoy vlogging more that I do." Sakeena spoke into the camera at the same time speaking to Inaya as they walk to her room.

"The event is females only. The males will be having their own bachelorette kinda party tonight." Inaya said crushing Sakeena's desire of seeing Khalifa.

"Ohh." Was all Sakeena could say.

"I'll help you." Inaya offered.

"Okay." Sakeena smiled. "I'll see you guys later when we finish getting ready for the laylat Al-Hinna. Bye." Sakeena blew a kiss and waved at the camera then she stopped recording.

Inaya waited for Sakeena to pack all the things she needs because all the bridesmaid will be getting ready in the mansion. Stuffing her contact case, shoes, jewelry box, hair brushes, styling gel, scrunchy and some hair clips then flinged the backpack over her shoulder.

"I need to get my dress from Amma." Sakeena announced.

"I'll come with you." They both walked out of the room and down the corridor to her mother in law's room which they found empty. "Call her phone or we can come back later to check again." Sakeena nodded in response and together, they both walked out of the apartment.

Fadeel walked through the gate with a pair of air pods max covering his ears. A camouflage v neck shirt clung to his muscular body paired with black sweatpants, a pair of white crocs with black splatter paint all over covered his foot. He didn't notice the two walking out of the door with his head looking down, hands tucked in the pockets of the pants.

Sakeena noticed Inaya's mouth slightly open, a gasp escaping. She did notice that Inaya acts weird sometimes when Fadeel is around her. The girl always blushes hard, is always nervous and the way her body stiffens whenever he talks to her didn't go unnoticed by Sakeena.

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