Thirty four.

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Federal capital territory,


The door pushed open the same time I turned the door handle. The intruder, dressed in a blue striped button up shirt paired with black jeans. "You ready?" I nodded in response and walked out of the room.

I followed behind him, with my head down, my phone clutched in my hand watching my sneaker clad feet moving orderly. The light blue jeans I paired with a butt length multicolored button up top, a light blue coloured veil wrapped round my head.

I hugged Amma and she pecked my forehead, something I'm used to now. "Drive safely Khalifa" Amma spoke in Arabic which I clearly didn't understand. "If he does anything bad, don't hesitate to tell me" I know she's referring to me because she did not speak in Arabic.

"In Sha Allah" I replied, walking after Khalifa to the car.

"So, you prefer getting me into trouble" Khalifa looked over his shoulder, reversing the car.

"I won't hesitate to report you if you do something I don't like"

"Now I know that my own wife doesn't have my back" he placed his hand on his hand dramatically which he earned a chuckle from me.

"On second thought, I do have your back. Don't worry" I pat his shoulder.

"We'll go and get your passport first" I nodded. Silence fell upon us which didn't sit well with me.

"Who's Farah to you?" I asked.

"She's Amma's older sister's daughter, which makes her my cousin" he elaborated. I hope his cousins are as nice as I've heard about.

"Yours too now" I smiled. I have countless of cousins from Baba and Mamie's sides of the family I grew up in.

"More cousins to my list of countless cousins then" I laughed.

The drive to my other house was quick and soon enough, I exited car, running into the house. My ears caught Baba's laughter from the front door which got me squealing in happiness.

"Baba" I ran into the living room without taking off my sneakers. I got in his arms, hugging him tight. "I missed you so much" I pouted, my head on his shoulder.

"Kedai baza ki taba girma ba Naisa, ji yadda kike gudu kamar wata karamar yarinya" Mamie scolded.

"Haba Mamie, I'm excited to see my father now you're scolding me, ai baba nane" I stuck my tongue out at her.

"Nikuma miji nane"

"Still dai, baba nane" I almost forgot about Khalifa till he came into the living room, saying the salam.

"Welcome Khalifa" Khalifa squatted down and greeted both Baba and Mamie. "How are you?"

"Alhamdulillah" Khalifa replied with his head down.

"Tashi ka zauna saman kujera" Mamie smiled at him before she turned to me and mouth follow me. I did the exact thing and followed her to the kitchen.

"Get a tray" I nodded and opened the lower cabinet for a tray. A plate of chin chin, drinks and a glass tumbler is placed on the tray. "Take it to the living room" I made my way out with the tray in my hand.

I placed the tray in front of Khalifa and served him. Had it been I didn't, Mamie would've scolded me in front of him and I can't take the embarrassment.

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