Sixty three.

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Federal Capital territory,

"Where's Naisa?" Is the first thing Khalifa asked when he regained consciousness. Amma and Arwa shared looks filled with worry and fear. He can't handle the heart breaking news, his blood pressure will rise up then the worst will happen.

"Amma please." Khalifa begged trying to get up from the bed.

"Khalifa lay back down." She commands with a stern voice. "Don't you dare get up from that bed." She warned him. He knows something is wrong, he can feel it but no one wants him to know because every time he wakes up he gets sedated again.

"Just tell me where she is and I'll get back to sleep." He promised. "Please tell me she's okay." He begged, his heart beating fast waiting anxiously for her answer.

Amma was quiet for a moment but before she spoke, Arwa beat her to it. "She's gone." There's no need to beat around the bush when one way or the other, he will find out.

"Gone?" Khalifa asked to be sure of what his ears heard.

Amma held his hand in hers. "Yes habibi she got taken when you two crashed with that bike but she's safe for now, we'll have her back don't worry." She placed her hand on his forehead and watched tears begin to pool in his eyes.

He knew that they have her, he was there and that was the last thing he saw before he fell unconscious. His heart is shattering bit by bit, calling out to her, yearning for her to be by his side.

"Khalifa." Amma called seeing how calm he was on the bed as he laid still. "Say something." She squeezed his hand.

Khalifa looked at her with bloodshed eyes. "This is all my fault." He whispered. "Had it been I never convinced her to go out with me that day this wouldn't have happened." A tear rolled down his cheek. "This is all my fault Amma." He hugged his mother tight as he weeped like a baby.

"No habibi don't say that." She rocked their body back and forth. "It was meant to happen and it did, no one could've stopped it. We'll find her, we'll get her back." He kissed his head allowing him to cry till his tears run out.

Arwa also shed a tear or two remembering the state her daughter is in. She lost Haaya, she can't afford to lose Hayyam- Naisa- now.

The three sat in agonizing silence until Fadeel barged into the room looking disturbed. He was surprised to see Khalifa wake but he comes bearing bad news that makes matters worst. "Amma you need to see this."

Amma's heart dropped as she collected the phone with shaky hands. A video of Sakeena sitting on the floor of the glass box she's in, her head on her knees. A voice came through the speakers of the phone "I'm sure y'all are missing dear Hayyam here, don't you?" Sakeena's captor, Khalid mocked.

"My name is not Hayyam." Sakeena voiced through gritting teeth, her head still on her knees. "Stop calling me that my name is Sakeena." She puffed, rage building inside of her. Khalifa shoot up from the bed hearing Sakeena's voice.

"Dear Hayyam, if only you knew about your true origin." He tsked, letting out an evil chuckle. "If you want her back alive and safe, you will get her on one condition." They all waited anxiously for his next words. "Khalifa must be here himself to take her." He grinned menacingly. He knows it's an impossible thing for them all but what other choice do they have? Will they risk Sakeena's life to save Khalifa?

"I'll go Amma, wallah I'll go." Khalifa roughly tugged the IV syringe out of his hand and tumbled down the bed, his legs not able to carry his weight.

Fadeel turned off the video and kept the phone away. "You're not going anywhere Khalifa." Amma voiced out sternly but Khalifa's too stubborn to cooperate.

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