Forty eight.

825 100 10

Federal Capital Territory,


"Let me go."


"Leave me alone."


The little voice screaming reached his ears. He looked around his surrounding which was pitch black. He can barely make out which way he's going. He kept running with the hope that he'll find her and save her. The dark building went silent making his heartbeat accelerate.

Flashes of the worst thing that can happen came to his mind but he pushed them away and kept running. A piercing scream tore through the atmosphere making his heart stop. He halted his steps, his body froze. Fear creeped inside of him and his legs couldn't move any further even if he wants to.

Another scream followed, this one louder than the other. His legs automatically moved towards the direction of the scream. He sighted a source of light from far and kept running in the direction. The light kept moving further and further away from him but he kept following it.

After what felt like forever, he finally reached the source of light. A door stood between him and the room where he could find her but the room is dead silent, no more screams. He lightly tapped the door which open with a loud creak resonating through the entire building. His eyes scanned the room.

Time stopped. Literally!

His heart thumped, no hammered inside his chest like it'll burst out any minute. The only thing he could hear is the sound of his heart beat in his ears. A knot formed in his stomach making his insides churn. The color of his face drained like ice cold water has been dumped over his head. Fear is an understatement for what he's feeling right now.

Her unconscious figure laid on the floor, sprawled in a pool of blood.

He didn't know how he managed to reach her dead body but he did. He quickly went down to his knees and put her head on his lap tapping her cheeks continuously. She didn't move. Her face is red with tears dried up, blood is dripping from her mouth down to her chin and the bottom part of her dress is torn.

"No, this cannot happen."

"I cannot be what I'm thinking."

"How can he do this to her?"

He thought as he vigorously shook her body urging her to wake up but little did he know what she's gone. "I'm too late." He voiced to no one in particular.

"Haaya please." Tears rolled down his cheeks dripping onto her face. "You have to wake up. Please don't leave me." He kept shaking her body but his efforts went in vain.

"Haaya no." He screamed as the hot tears kept coming. "Wake up." His loud voice echoed in the building. "HAAYA." His breathing came out rugged. His head became too heavy for him, his hands wrapped around his head hoping the throbbing will stop. It's like his head is being sliced into bits. The pain got intense. Black spots danced in his vision till everything backed out.

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