Twenty three.

986 95 1

Federal capital territory,



Exams is finally over and I can't be happier. No more late night studies. No more skipping sleep. No more looking like a zombie. Khalifa's also done with his mock exams.

We're currently at the assembly ground for the closing assembly or whatever they call it. The students were just chatting and bickering making the place super noisy.

"Won't this principal come so that we can all go home?" Safiyya said being the drama queen she is.

"You're not the only one who's tired. My feet are killing me from all this standing I tell ya" maymuna said whining like a three year old.

"You girls should stop complaining. It's not like this is the first time you girls are here so quit it" Habiba said being fed up with all their rants making them groan.

After 20 more minutes of standing and hearing the female vice principal talk about living in peace with our parents during the holidays, everybody let out a frustrating cry when the principal started talking into the mic also.

Soon after, we were all dismissed to go home and our results will be sent to our parents through their emails.

Khalifa and I were standing outside the school gate waiting for the driver to get here so that we can go home.

"I'll see you when I see you. I'll come and visit you soon" Maymuna said hugging me.

The girls walked up to us and I pulled Maymuna to the side away from Khalifa before they reach where we stood in order for them not to suspect anything.

"We haven't hanged out in a long time you girls. We only meet in school. We should hang out soon please" Habiba and Maymuna agreed to what Safiyya said while I just keep shut.

"Sakeena, why do you seem lost?" Safiyya Said nudging me a little.

"I'm just tired and I didn't have breakfast today" I said lying. Amma won't let me out of the house without having breakfast.

"Now that I remember, I have been to your house twice and your mum told me your you're not around both times"  Safiyya said while my words got stuck in my throat not knowing what to say.

Maymuna being my savior came to my rescue.

"Even I have been to her house but she's always not there. Turns out she's now mostly at her cousin's house because his wife was expecting but now she has a bouncing baby girl. So, she's helping her with the jego" Maymuna said putting me in her position with the cousin and his wife story.

"But you're mostly seen coming to school and going back home with Khalifa since this term resumed" Habiba asked and I looked at Maymuna for help again.

"Her cousin and Khalifa live in the same estate so they pick her from home in their eyes to school and drop her home on their way back. Now Sakeena is hungry and we know just how grumpy she gets. Enough with the questions now" Maymuna told them a different thing again and they all dropped the questions seeing I had a sour mood this morning.

I turned around and saw Khalifa walking up to us. I tried my best to stay calm and kept a straight face.

"Hi ladies" he said when he reached where we were standing. "I might have to take away your friend now. Good bye ladies" he stood there waiting for me to say bye to my friends and set for home.

"We'll talk on the phone" I gave them each a hug and followed Khalifa who has already reached the car.

I greeted the driver and we were on the road.

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