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Federal Capital Territory,

2 years later...

"How do I look?" Sakeena's voice got Khalifa's attention. She emerged from the closet wearing a beige ankle length dress with a slight off shoulder, puffed elbow length sleeves and pearls adorning the waist and neckline. She paired it with a matching turban and pearl adorned high heels with a bow at the back of each foot. Her make up is kept minimal and simple.

Khalifa gave her a head to toe look as he felt his heart doing somersaults. "Breathtaking is an understatement." He walked towards her and placed his hands on her lower back. "You are a work of art." He placed a soft peck on her cheek that left a tingling feeling which sent sensational feelings to her core.

They both pulled back from each other, that is when Sakeena sighted the bouquet of white roses neatly wrapped with colorful paper laying idly on the bed. "You got me roses." Sakeena squealed excitedly as she bounced on her feet.

Khalifa looked back at the flowers and reached to grab them. "I know how much you love white roses so here you go my lady." He went down on one knee and extended his hands with the flowers which Sakeena collected, the fragrance of the roses maneuvering its way through her nostrils. An unwavering smile etched itself on her lips as she admired how beautiful the white petals are.

"I love them." Sakeena grabbed Khalifa's hand and pulled him up. She hugged him with one hand around his neck and the flowers in the other enjoying the warmth he's emitting.

Khalifa sighed and closed his eyes, inhaling her lavender scent that is turning his head three hundred and sixty degrees nonstop with racing speed. A knock came on the door making them both pull away. "Come in." Khalifa yelled as he plopped himself on the bed while Sakeena walked to the full length mirror to check her appearance.

Fadeel peeped his head into the room. "If you two are done with your lovey dovey moment, we are all waiting for you two downstairs for pictures." He raised his brows at them with a teasing look. He shut the door quickly without waiting for a response from the two.

Sakeena gently placed the bouquet down and walked to the closet to get her graduation gown which Khalifa helped her put on. They both gathered their stuff and walked downstairs hand in hand to meet the rest of the family. Sakeena smiled as she rushed to hug Amma who couldn't stop beaming as well.

Amma placed her palms on her cheeks. "My baby's all grown up."

"They grow up so fast." Arwa hugged Sakeena as well feeling emotionally overwhelmed. A part of her still feels guilty because she has missed out most parts of her daughter's life.

"Congratulations Naisa." Abba said cheerfully from the back.

Sakeena smiled again and thanked him and all other who congratulated her. After a long while of a photo shoot session, Sakeena and Khalifa headed out of the house with him behind the wheels, driving with one hand and the other interlaced with hers. They both enjoyed the silence that kept them company as Khalifa's thumb drew gentle strokes on the back of her hand.

"It feels like yesterday when you moved here and got admitted to my school." Sakeena voiced remembering the memory.

"It feels just like yesterday when you were together with Imran." Khalifa voiced nonchalantly hitting a spot in Sakeena's heart.

"It's all in the past now."

"That punk." Khalifa voiced irritatingly.

"Hey!" Sakeena smacked his shoulder. "He's your cousin."

"I know that, I even wonder why he is?" Khalifa said with a straight look trying to annoy Sakeena more.

"If you're wondering why Imran is your cousin, then you are wondering why Maymuma is your cousin also."

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