Forty one.

982 117 3

Cairo, Egypt.

The day of the wedding ceremony. The bridesmaids are all set in their matching outfits and off course, the theme is white. The ladies had a ladies eve the previous night which they stayed till dawn telling random stories about how the grew up knowing the bride to be, her best moments with her friends and cousins, her worst moments, her most embarrassing moments and all.

Sakeena kept quiet throughout the story telling period because she has nothing to say, she barely knows the bride to be. It was all fun for her laughing at anything funny thing that is said and vlogging till Wardah decided to ruin her happy moment.

Sakeena doesn't let anyone kill her spirit though.

In the blink an eye, the knot has been tied, contracts were signed, vows were made and the moa'khar has been given to the bride. Guest and well wishers congratulated the groom and bride, hugs and kisses were shared then finally, a long endless photo session in the family mansion with everyone present.

Even though everybody stuck to the white wedding theme, the bride is dressed in a royal blue Cinderella dress with a long veil that is pinned to the turban on her head following her behind.

"How do you feel?" Sakeena asked Farah once they settled down in her room, away from the crowd.

"I feel amazing, Alhamdulillah." Farah replied with a wide smile, happiness evident on her face.

"She's so happy to leave us." Amani stated, wiping away fake tears.

"At least I'll be away from all your troubles." Farah retorted.

"You'll come crawling back to us yourself." Inaya teased.

"Right." Her twin, Fadia backed her up.

Farah sighed. "Not when I have my prince charming with me."

Sakeena laughed at the bride. "Got all of it on camera."

"Don't flatter yourself Naisa, we'll soon be coming for your own wedding soon." Farah raised her brows teasingly.

"My own wedding?" Sakeena asked confused.

Inaya gasped. "Please don't tell me you've never thought of celebrating yours."

Sakeena shrugged. "I've never given it a thought. The nikkah is the most important and it has been done already.

Fadia shook her head. "No way, we must have one." 

"Suit yourself." Came Sakeena's short reply.

The lecturing was done to both the bride and groom by the elders of the family. Sakeena felt it in the deepest part of her heart even though she has been told of that all that is being said before. Even though her own 'wedding' was lowkey and silent, she's happy and content with her life now.

Sakeena felt a grip on her wrist, fingers tugging at hers. Without looking up, she knows exactly who it is. "Khalifa, stop." She whispered.

He leaned down a little to her ear level. "Am I not allowed to hold my wife's hand now?"

"You are but not in public." Sakeena whispered back.

"Then let me."

"Not now."


A throat got cleared beside both of them causing them to whip their heads to the side. Fadeel stood beside Khalifa with a smirk on his face. Khalifa sighed, knowing that's his elder brother is going to tease life out of him.

Sakeena only sent a smile his way before turning her attention back to the crowd. Khalifa didn't back down though, he still laced his fingers with hers making her body warm up at the close contact. Khalifa traced his thumb on the back of her hand, making her let out a giggle. Thankfully, everyone's attention is diverted at the moment so no one heard her.

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