Twenty six.

984 101 3

Federal capital territory,


Today is the 28th of Ramadan which means Eid is either the day after tomorrow or the day after. Ramadan passed by so quickly. Amma, Sakeena and I always go to the orphanage to give food to the children there.

Adda Sameera, Ya Fadeel, Sakeena, Ammar and I are on our way to the orphanage because Amma can't make it.

Ya Fadeel came back half way through Ramadan. Abba was the only one who knew saying he wanted to surprise us because we were all not expecting him for Eid this year.

With Ya Fadeel driving, we chit chatted along the way and arrived a few minutes later. Ya Fadeel and I offloaded the food warmers and took them inside.

Two caretakers of the children in the orphanage came out to help out with the water and paper plates.

The head caretaker welcomed us in and we were taking to where the children were playing in the backyard.

The children rushed over to Sakeena when we announced our presences.

"Hi aunty Naisa" a five year old said and hugged her legs. Sakeena crounched downand gave the girl a hug which made the other kids want one too.

"Hi Afraa" she picked her in her arms and the girl grinned widely. Sakeena has a special spot for children in her heart and they love her also.

"How are you doing?"

"I'm fine aunty" Afraa pecked Sakeena's left cheek after and she did just the same also making the little girl giggle.

"Me too" Afraa's twin sister, Amraa whined and Sakeena squatted down then gave her a big bear hug.

She gave them all a big hug and they kept blabbering off her ears. She joined in their conversation and sometimes laughs at whatever they're telling her.

I left a tap on my shoulder and I turned around to see Adda Samee smiling at me. "Lover boy look swooned"

I ducked my head down rubbing my nape which meade her burst with laughter. "C'mon, stop being shy. The food set up is done. You and Sakeena should bring the rest of the kids to the dining hall"

She walked away and I walked towards Sakeena and the kids.

"Let us now let aunty Naisa rest a bit okay, it's dinner time" she kids jumped raising their hands in the air.

Let's go inside" she nodded and I led the way into the building. The kids were already seated in their chairs and the caretakers started to serve them food.

The kids ate happily, some messing around while others ate silently.

"Remember the clothes I got for the twins and the other kids?" I nodded and she continued "I need the car keys to get them"

"Ask Ya Fadeel"

She nodded and quickly type something on her phone. "I'll be right back" she said.

"Let me come with you" we went to the car and I helped her with the duffel bag containing the clothes.

By the time we went back in, the children were done eating and we gave them all the clothes we bought. Each child two pairs of clothes because they weren't much.

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