Thirty eight.

960 115 13

Cairo, Egypt.

"Looking yummy mummy" Khalifa leaned against the door frame, hands tucked in the pockets of the denim jeans he's wearing paired with an ash grey button up shirt.

Sakeena caught his gaze through the mirror where she's pinning down the veil of the grey flay dress she's wearing with a belt tied into a bow by that side at the front. Her face bare of any heavy product. Eyes lined with kohl only then clear shiny lip gloss glistening under the natural light coming from the open window.

"Did you just call me mummy?" She raised an arched brow, intently staring at him through mirror without turning around.

Khalifa shrugged his wide shoulders then walked further into the room. "I did and there's nothing you can do about it"

Sakeena turned around, a finger tapping her chin. "Then I'll just start calling you daddy as well" she crisscrossed her arms over her chest trying hard not to smile. She definitely loves this playful side of Khalifa that never fails to make her smile.

Khalifa clapped his hands. "We can now go and tell Amma that she'll be having grandkids soon then. I'm sure she'll be over the moon" Khalifa smirked at a tensed Sakeena whose mouth is slightly ajar, not a single syllable coming out. "Cat got your tongue, wifey?"

"Uh...Um, I'm hungry" Khalifa chuckled. He leaned forward, placing his hand on top on her veil covered head, patting lightly.

"Good for you wifey I made breakfast"

Sakeena gasped. "You made breakfast?" She burst into a fit of laughter, clutching her stomach really tight.

Khalifa stared at her with a blank look, patiently waiting for her laughter to halt. He extended his open palm towards her which she hurriedly took. With her petite hand in his relatively large one, they both walk to the kitchen where several plates lay on the the kitchen island. The aroma coming from the food filled Sakeena's nostrils mixed with the spice and citrus scent coming from Khalifa made her clutch his hand really tight. This guy here is making her fall deeper and deeper into an endless canon filled with the unknown love she has for him.

Her mouth salivated instantly afraid that she'll drool all over her dress. Her stomach growled considering the fact that she hasn't eaten anything since she woke up. Her heart did a single, double, triple, quadruple, quintruple flips. A grin broke out on her face at the sweet, kind move made by him.

Khalifa decided to put his mother's advise into action and the first way to start is by giving her delicious yummy food considering the fact that she never rejects food. He went as far as watching YouTube videos on how to make both hot coffee and iced coffee because she always takes them even though he's not that comfortable with the amount of her coffee intake. Plus who doesn't want a husband who can cook?

"Aren't you girls supposed to go shopping today?" Khalifa asked. Sakeena could only nod because her mouth is full. "Eat up and let's go then"

Sakeena wiped her mouth with the napkin there. "You're coming?"

Khalifa nodded. "The guys and I decided to join. We have nothing to do today"

"It'll be fun"

The two walked out of the apartment all set to go together with their cousins into the mansion. The place is bustling with maides moving up and down trying to clean the place up. They greeted the elders in the dining room eating breakfast before heading to the parking lot where the cousin clan are trying to arranged themselves to fit in two cars.

"Naisa and Khalifa and ride with us" Farah suggested. She is standing beside a guy who Sakeena has never seen since they came.

Farah walked towards them with the guy following her right behind. The two stood in front of the couple. "Naisa, meet my cousin and fiance, Fardeen" Farah introduced with a proud smile on her face.

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