Thirty two.

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Federal capital territory,


"Amma I don't want it" I scrunched up my nose in disgust. The traitor behind me beside me burst with laughter making me glare at her.

"Collect this drugs and swallow it down this instance or I'm confiscating all your electronic devices" Amma said in Arabic, with a stern voice leaving no room for argument.

Amma placed the four tablets in my palm which I just want to fling away. I have always hated taking drugs, injections and all. "Here" Sakeena handed me a glass of water.

"I'm not leaving this room till you take the drugs, all of it" Amma crossed her legs, one on top of the other and leaned back on the single sitter in my room.

I had no that choice but to take the drugs. All of it. As a kid, whenever I get sick and had to take drugs, I'll just throw the drugs either under the bed, under the drawers or in the drawers, not really taking them. I had to be injected, forcefully since I won't get better if I don't take the drugs.

"Good boy" Amma ruffled my hair before walking out leaving me with Naisa only in the room. It seriously feels awkward with the tensed atmosphere and silence.

I got bored eventually and removed the duvet off my body, wearing my slippers by the bed. "Where are you going?" Sakeena looked up from her phone, puzzled.

"To the gaming room" I answered her without turning around to look at her. I know she'll do anything in her power to stop me.

"For?" She appeared beside me.

"I want to play some video games, I'm bored" I walked towards to door.

She appeared beside me again. "But you're supposed to be in bed, resting. That's why it's called bed rest". I really don't like how they are treating me like one who has cancer. I have had countless of seizures, each one I am asked to be in bed rest and I hate it, with passion.

"I've rest enough" I said, deadpan.

"Amma told me to keep an eye on you. You have to go back to bed and rest or I call her up here" she wiggled her phone in my face. "Your choice" she smiled and sat back down on the black bean bag.

"Naisa please" I cried out. Maybe she'll let me go. Sakeena can be so hardheaded sometimes. Much more stubborn that I think I can be. "I have been in bed since we came back to the hospital, I'm tired of laying all day and I know you're also tired of being my guard since morning when we got home" I faced her. She's much shorter when standing next to me.

"You've proven your point, let's go" I smirked, resisting the urge to give her a high five. "Plus, I'm not your guard" she air quoted the word guard which made me stifle a laughter. I know just how to annoy her and it's fun doing so.

Plopping down on the bean bag in one corner of the gaming room, Sakeena protested to choose whichever game she wants to play and set it up.

She handed me a plain white and black control pad and took my favourite black and white webbed control pad. "Give it back" she pouted.

"But I want to use this one" she whined.

"But it's my favorite" I also whined, playing along with her.


"C'mon" I repeated what she said.

"Khalifa please"

"Naisa please"


"Naisaaa" I laughed at the baby face she made. "You can use it. Since the day you learnt how to play PS it has become a problem for me" I complained.

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