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To say I was shocked when I was told the news of the marriage by my mother will be an understatement.

Never in my wildest dreams did I think that something like this will ever happen to me, not in a million years to come. It all happened when I was sitting peacefully in the living room with everyone when Amma broke the news to me.

I'm getting married at the age of eighteen and by Allah I'm not prepared for the this. The fact that the person I'm getting married to is way younger than me only made the situation more complicated. Even though Abba promised to provide everything for us, I'm still not ready. Ya Allah guide me and see me through this.

My parents have done much for me in this life and this one time that they asked something from me I really can't say no. And so I'm getting married only for their sake.

Three months, just three months and if we feel that we can't pull this through then we'll separate. Ya Allah make this easy on both of us.

"You seem so lost" my brother Fadeel said shaking me by the shoulders. He has serious problems.

"I'm not lost, just thinking about which shoe I'm going to wear" I said putting on my cufflinks and sitting on the bed.

"Just calm down and chill bro, everything will turn out just fine In Shaa Allah" he said patting me on the bed while I nodded.

"Amma is waiting for you, you should leave now" he said passing me my zanna bukar cap. I put on my shoes and grabbed my cap placing it on my head.

"Aren't you coming with us?" I asked him when I reached the door.

"No, I'm going to just chill around the house, also gotta babysit our baby brother. I got many thing planned for our mini brothers hangout " he said falling flat on the bed. He is such a lazy person.

"Best of luck bro" I heard him shout as I exited the room.

I reached the living room downstairs and met Abba and Amma there waiting for me. Amma was adjusting Abba's cap and they look so happy together.

I said my salam and entered the living room making them look at me.

"Let's go, shall we?" Abba said passing me the car keys which means I'm driving.

"Khalifa, I want you to know that we are doing this for your own good and you know that we won't decide anything that is bad for you. And we would also want to Hank you for doing this for us" Abba said as we were on the road.

"You really don't need to thank me Abba. You provided me with everything that I needed in this life so this is the least I could do" I said focusing on the road.

"Allah ya maka albarka" Amma said from the back placing a hand on my right shoulder while I replied with ameen.

After a short while, we got to the house and went in to exchange pleasantries with her parents and siblings. I was led to the backyard by one of the maids there and sat down on one of the chairs provided there under the gazebo waiting for my so called fiancee.

I mumbled a thank you to the maid who brought a tray filled with snacks and refreshments.

"Assalamu Alaikum" I heard someone say making me raise my head from my phone. And there she is dressed in black, the person I'm getting married to.

"Wa'alaikumus Salam" I said acknowledging her presence.

"How are you doing?" I said trying to make the situation less awkward.

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