Thirty six.

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Cambridge, Massachusetts,
United States of America.


The graduation ceremony went on fast, testimonials were given to the graduates, speeches were made, lots of clapping were made, caps were thrown, families shared hugs and kisses and whatnot.

Families taking pictures amongst themselves with bright smiles on their faces, including mine. Amma's smile didn't drop throughout the entire ceremony. She always wants the best for us, especially me.

I eventually got tired of standing and took a seat not far from where we took pictures. Sakeena is also there, talking to her camera most of the time. She enjoys what she does and that makes me happy. It was a great decision getting her the camera.

She looks absolutely happy even though she's far away from her Mamie. She always sometimes says 'I miss my Mamie'. She looks cute when she pouts her lips without knowing she actually does it.

She has always been there with me everytime that I never get bored. Her bubbly and cheerful attitude has rubbed off on me that I'm no longer the Khalifa who's just surviving. She made me realised that there is much more that I could do other than wallow in my own self misery.

My life always revolves around going to school and home, playing videos games, being a couch potato and doing nothing else. I stopped sketching a while back because it bring memories I don't wish to remember. Seeing Sakeena draw brought back the passion of sketching back into my heart. Sometimes, I often complete some of the ones she started whenever she leaves her drawing pad in the living room or somewhere within my reach.

She is so carefree and always have a positive energy. I used to only talk to her when it's necessary but now, I even yearn to have her close by me. All in all, I'm now used to her presence. I have learnt quite few things about her over the past few months like she loves to take coffee every single morning, she loves cats, she loves to keep anything she does simple, nothing extravagant and she loves wearing hoodies. She has lots and lots of them.

Not to forget she also loves ice cream, mint chocolate chip to be specific. "Earth to Khalifa" two hands clapped in front of my face, pulling me out of the trance I'm in.

"Where has your mind gone to?" Sakeena sat down beside me, leaning her back on the wooden backrest of the bench.

"Just thinking" I shrugged.

"Care to share?"

"Care to ditch the rest of this ceremony with me?"

"Sure. I'm tired of the entire thing also and from the looks of it Amma, Abba, Ya Fadeel and Ammar won't be leaving anytime soon" we both got from the bench and walked towards the green field. The green grass glistening under the sun that is shining brightly.

Sakeena twirled, the edge dress she's wearing flowing in the air also. I brought my phone out and recorded the moment. She has a bright smile on her face, her white teeth visible.

"Come and take a picture with me" she dragged me with her and wrapped an arm on shoulders. Because of the height difference, I had to crouch down a bit and she captured a picture. She made a funny face and captured another one.

"Here" she handed me her phone, moving further into the green field. She kept making different poses while I just kept snapping till she eventually got tired and slumped on the ground.

I joined her on the grass, my hands resting on my knees that are raised up. "It's beautiful here" she sighed, resting the camera on her stretched out legs.

I nodded. "It is, especially at night" my gaze landed on her. Her grey eyes shining brightly just like the smile on her face, her dark skin emitting a glow. The familiar feeling in my chest made my breath come out shaky, my heart skipped a beat. All I wanted to do was to hold her close and never let go but I can't, not with the stampede going on inside of me.

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