Twenty seven.

909 110 0

Federal capital territory,


"Call me up when your done"

"We will now please stop holding her back, she'll be all yours when we are done" Maymuna dragged me beforeI could even get a foot out causing me to almost fell.

"Stop glaring at me. She didn't fall, did she?" I looked at Khalifa who was indeed glaring at Maymuna and got out of the car.

I managed to wave at him before Maymuna dragged me into the salon. Literally.

A lady approached us and gave us a sweet smile "Welcome ladies, our washing rooms are ready, please this way" we followed her to the familiar washing rooms and settled there waiting for the hair dressers.

"It's a good thing we booked before hand and we get to have a private wash day" Maymuna sighed and leaned back into the soft cushion of the sofa.

"How has everything been so far?"

"Everything is fine"

"By fine you mean all is good right?"

I hummed in response unwrapping the veil around my head and placed a fluffy towel on my back. I got a head massage before the wash and I smiled remembering the events of last night.

Khalifa looked like a baby when I gave him the head massage and it was so cute.

After a full hair wash and blow drying process, I decided to do my hair in mini box braids and clear hair beads at the end to avoid the braids from coming loose.

"Looking dope for Eid cousin in law" Maymuna commented from where she's getting her hair styled. She's doing her hair in mini twists.

Maymuna groaned and turned to glare at me again. I only shrugged and continue playing candy crush on my phone. "How can you not be so bothered about us being here for the past hour and half doing nothing? We literally finished an hour and half ago" she let out a frustrating cry and I ignored her.

"Call him again" she cried.

"I tried several times but his phone is not reachable. I wanted to call Ya Fahad but you stopped me from doing so"

"Don't call Ya Fahad, call Khalifa again" I dailed his number but it went straight to voicemail for the umpteenth time.

I quickly sent Ya Fahad a message and turned to look at Maymuna whose mind is distant.

"Let's go" I carried my hand bag and paper bag containing all my hair products.

"To where?"

"Home, duh"

"Is Khalifa here?"

"Can you please keep shut and let's go" I walked out of the lounge and exited the building. We walked towards the heavily tinted car and I opened the back door and got in.

I quickly locked the door before Maymuna had a chance to open it and rolled down the tinted glass "front seat"

"You're his wife, your supposed to be in the front seat" I ignored her and rolled up the tinted glass  she had no choice but to enter the front seat.

"Hey big brother" Ya Fahad looked back and shot me an annoyed look.

"Don't big brother me. Had it not been for Mamie I would've not come. You finally remember that you have me as a brother right" Maymuna stay muted in the front seat and looked looked outside the window.

"Sorry lieutenant big brother" I saluted him mockingly looking at him through front mirror.

"Soon to be lieutenant" he corrected.

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