Thirty nine.

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Cairo, Egypt.

Sakeena buckled the straps of the four inches silver stilletos she's being forced to wear. Earlier in the morning, her Amma called her to her room to discuss the topic they never got talk about the day they went shopping which is two days ago because of how tired she was, before her first official fight with Khalifa.

She still feels weighed down by all the harshful words Khalifa said to her that night in the kitchen. She never imagined that he can actually spat those words to her face. Expect disappointment and you'll never be disappointed.

Her mother in law noticed her sour mood but Sakeena ensured her that everything is fine so as not to make her worry. Anything, good or bad is supposed to be private between marital couples right?

But that wasn't the assurance she needed. She received a phone call from her mother not long ago asking about her well being. Something she does on a daily basis if not, every two days. Even though she managed to hide it from her mother in law, she couldn't hide it from her biological mother.

The moment her mother asked how she really is, her voice cracked trying to answer her even though she did not cry. Her mother's worried voice fueled the burning feeling within her. It hurts like damn.

Her mother's advise has been the same always, for her to be patient and pray.

Staring at her reflection in the mirror, from her light made up face, to the silver studs and necklace she received from her mother in law earlier, to the silver coloured sequined shimmery wrap dress she's wearing that fits her body perfectly, all dips and curves, to the matching heels that adds a little bit to her height.

She is finally stepping out of her comfort zone of wearing hoodies and sweatpants, her resistance to wearing heavy make up and heels that she so much hates to wear.

Many mirror pictures and selfies later, she finally exited the room with her phone and camera in hand. The mansion is filled to the brim with cars parked in the compound and the family room which is decorated in all white decorations. The members of this family were not joking when they said they'll be having a white wedding.

She still doesn't know what the ladies will be wearing though. Her dress was handpicked by her Amma without her knowing what it actually looked like till earlier today when she received it from her and she loves every piece of her outfit.

Sakeena walked through the gate into the mansion backyard. The ringtone of her phone halted her steps towards the direction of the arabian music playing.

"Where are you?" The person on the other side asked.

Sakeena rolled her eyes at the stern voice he's using to question her.

"Sakeena answer me" Glaring into space, she removed the phone from her ear, took a peek at the caller ID and placed it back to her ear. She just wanted to confirm whether Khalifa is really the one talking to her that way.

"What will you do even if I tell you where exactly I am?" Sakeena finally replied.

She heard him huff some air. "Just tell me where you are?" He asked again calmly.

"Come and find me" with that being said, she pressed the red hang up button and continued her journey to the event venue.

She's definitely going to play hard to get even though she knows every married couple have their own marital problems and they should expect many more because life has its own ups and downs.

Turning the door handle of the door that leads into the kitchen and pulling it open, a hand pushed the door back close with great strength. Judging by the scent coming from the intruder, she already knows who it is.

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