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Federal capital territory,


"When am I leaving this hospital for Allah's sake I'm tired of this hell hole" I said on the verge of tears. I am really tired of this place I feel super suffocated here.

"Stop being a baby Naisa" Mamie said smacking my arm.

"Ouch Mamie I got injected there it hurts" I said pouting.

"Let me go and see the doctor and ask him if you're strong enough to go home"

"I'm perfectly fine Mamie besides I haven't been to school for several days now"

"I'll be right back"

"Salamu alaikum" someone said a salam pulling me out of my pool of thoughts. I looked up to see Khalifa's mum.

"Naisa dear how are you feeling?" Aunty Amina said.

"I'm feeling better alhamdulillah" I said smiling.

"You should learn how to take care of yourself Naisa, look at the condition you're in now, do you want to see your mum always worried?" She said holding my hand.

"In Sha Allah I'll take absolutely care of myself" I said.

"Ruqayya you're here" Mamie said entering the room.

"Khalifa told me what happened to Naisa, so I came to check up on her"

"Well, she's getting better and will be discharged today In Sha Allah" Mamie said.

"Masha Allah that's good to hear, I was just telling her to take care of herself" Khalifa's mum said.

"You know Naisa being Naisa hardly listens"

"Mamie"I said whining like a three year old.

"Stop whining and get up and get ready, we'll be leaving soon, let me go and soak with the doctor" Mamie said leaving the room together with Khalifa's mum.

"Okay" I said getting up from the bed.

"Salamu alaikum" another voice said pushing the door open.

"Baba na" I said running to him.

"Naisa na" he said hugging me.

"I missed you" I said pulling away and pouting.

"Me too but I'm here now right. I heard you are discharged, go and get ready, we are going home" he said.

"Okay but I'm going to ride with you" I said still pouting.

"Okay" he said and went out to the doctors office.

We arrived home an hour later from the hospital and the house is still the same. I seriously miss school. I met my room neat and tidy.

I went to the bathroom to take a shower cause I smell like detergent. I slipped on a black maxi dress. On a normal basis, I will just wear a hoodie and sweats but there are guests in the house. I just remembered I haven't used my phone in a week.

"Mamie, where's my phone?" I said as I met her in the kitchen.

"It's in your closet but first, take this to Khalifa and his mum, they are in the living room".

"Okay Mamie" I said collecting the tray of refreshments.

"Salamu alaikum" I said my taslim.

"Naisa dear, you're supposed to rest you're the patient here" she said collecting the tray.

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