Forty five.

960 118 9

Federal Capital Territory,

"Where the hell are you?" She yelled into the phone already irritated. She has been waiting for her so called accomplice to get to the coffee shop they planned to meet but it seems like he's just wasting her precious time.

"Calm down, I'm almost there." He answered annoyed. Who does she really think she is to boss him around? To be honest he has had enough of her but he needs to be patient for his plan to play out well.

"Get here fast then." She hung up the phone without waiting for his reply and slammed the phone on the table.

She didn't come all the way to Nigeria just to have an eighteen year old teenager ruin her own plans. She's also quite young, very young but she'll go to any extent to get what she wants, even if it means taking out whoever stands in her way.

She watched his car pull up through the transparent glass which caused a smirk to make way to her face. She has been planning this for years and now, it's finally time to put her plans into full swing.

"Took you long enough." She voiced.

"Got caught up in traffic." He waved his hand calling a waitress. "You know how it gets sometimes." He told the waitress his order and dismissed her.

"I don't care how it gets." She placed her gloved hands on the table. "Let's get down to business."

"Can you ever be not so serious?" He chuckled.

"I don't have time to waste Imran." She glared at him while he gave her the nonchalant attitude which got her pissed off more. "When are they coming back?"

Imran sipped his coffee. "Tonight."

A satisfying sinister smile appeared on her face but of course Imran couldn't see because of the niqab she's wearing. "Perfect." She voiced.

"Quick question." She nodded her head giving him room to ask. "What did they ever do to you?" Many thoughts rummaged through her head because of the question. She's got plenty answers to that question but she'll never tell him.

"You'll just have to wait and see." Imran shrugged and lean back into the seat.

"Another question."

She hissed under her breath. "What is it again?"

"Why do you cover your face everywhere you go?"

"I can't risk getting caught before I carry out my plans but I think it's high time I make my shocking reveal don't you think. Besides, my identity is going to shock everyone." Her eyes scan the coffee shop and then land back on Imran. She is well aware of the entire truth. She's only waiting for the perfect timing to drop the bomb and she's pretty sure that the truth will make Sakeena's life a living hell. Khalifa has already been through enough since Haaya's death, so now, it's Sakeena's turn.

Imran stared keenly at her. He still doesn't know why she's making an appearance now all of a sudden but he knows that it has something to do with Sakeena. He has heard several times how she's spoken about Sakeena, her voice laced with so much hatred. He knows that no matter how much she despises Sakeena, she can never harm her. That is a fact.

He still doesn't know the back story between those two. Heck he doesn't even think Sakeena knows about her. It's going to shake the grounds the day she reveals her identity. The thought itself made him smirk. He just can't wait for the awaiting drama to unfold.


"I can't believe you're already dozing off." Sakeena hummed as she laid her head on Khalifa's shoulder her eyes closing.

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