Sixty two.

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Not edited (read at your own risk)

Federal Capital Territory,

"NO!!" Haana yelled. "You're lying to me to bail yourself out of this." She let out a hearty fake laugh. "You left me when I was a baby, found my other sister a foster home and took the other one in. I was the one you didn't love so you left me stranded." Tears rolled down her eyes as her voice bellowed loudly in the living room.

"Haana it isn't true. You were separated from me when I gave birth to you three. He wanted to take Haaya as well but didn't succeed please Haana believe me." Arwa joined her hands together pleading with Haana who shook her head in disbelief.

"My entire life has been a lie. I'll never believe you." Haana ran up the stairs even though she didn't know her way around the house. She entered a random room and banged the door close. Her back slide against the door as she sobbed hard, not believing how the tables turned.

She came to the house to mock them and reveal herself to them. All her life she felt abandoned, she was sent to a boarding school where she got bullied to the core. She barely made it out alive. The man who took her, Khalid, Sakeena's captor barely raised her properly and at some point threw her out. She had to live in different shelters and on the streets where she barely had enough to wear and eat.

No explanation will calm the raging fire in her heart. They all left her and were living lavish lifestyles while she suffered. Luckily, she went to school and stopped at grade 10. She had to face the harshness of the world alone. She hugged herself as she cried in agony and sorrow thinking that maybe her life would've been better if she was never taken from her mother.

In the living room, Arwa sobbed while Amma comforted her. The rest of the members are silently lost in their own world till they heard footsteps. They all looked up to see Anwar standing by the door. He said the Salam and entered further into the house, greeting the elders before he announced the reason why he's there.

"Yesterday when we were at the scene of the crash I found this." He held Sakeena's ring that he picked up from the scene where the accident took place. Fahad marched forward and collected the ring.

"I went to the hospital but Khalifa's still unconscious so I decided to come here." Anwar added. "Allah ya bashi lafiya, ita kuma Allah ya bayyanar da ita." He prayed while they all answered with Ameen.

"I'll get going now." He nodded his head respectfully and walked out of the house, silently praying to Allah to ease their sufferings. His phone vibrated in the cup holder as soon as he entered the car.

"Hi Khair." He greeted gloomily.

"Hi, what's wrong?" A sweet sultry feminine voice greeted his back.

"Khalifa's unconscious at the hospital while his sister has been kidnapped, they were together when it happened on my bike." Yes, he told her that their siblings because he's not ready to give any explanation.

"That your half Egyptian friend?" She asked to confirm.


"That's sad to here. May Allah grant him shifa and ease their burdens." She prayed for them, her heart reaching out to them.

UmmulKhair has been his bestfriend for a while now, his partner in crime and comforter. They never got along in the first place, always on each other's necks till things changed. She's not his human diary, advisor, happy place and more. They got so close to the point people often mistaken them for a couple.

"Ameen. I'll call you when I get home." Anwar turned on the car and drove out of the house, back to his own father's house.

Abdullah's phone vibrated in his pocket, Sameera's name flashing on the screen. His heart entered full panic mode in fear that something has happened to his brother. He silently stood up and walked out of the living room. "Hey. Is something wrong?" He asked.

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