Twenty five.

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Eid Mubarak!✨

Federal capital territory,


Another day!


I woke up feeling hapiness bursting within me because there's no school today. The same me will also be bored of the house later.

I turned and found Zahra not beside me anymore. Adda Sameera must've came in here when I was asleep and took her.

I unplugged my phone from it's charging station and strolled into the bathroom to brush my teeth and take a shower. I moisturized my body and got dressed in a baby pink v necked top that has a belt which I tied round my waist, the sleeves with cuffs at the edge that I paired along with a blue denim jeans.

I tied a baby pink turban around my head with my hair in a bun, sprayed perfume and whatnot then tidied up the room.

I met Amma in the kitchen with the maids making breakfast.

"Good morning Amma" I hugged her from behind.

"Good morning Naisa, how was your sleep?" She asked stirring a white thick liquid inside the pot on the fire.

"It was good alhamdulillah. Need any help?"

"I'm almost done with everything, go and call everyone down for breakfast" I nodded and ambulated upstairs. I started with Adda Sameera's room.

I heard the sound of water running coming from the bathroom which means she's in there and Zahra isn't in here.

I went to Ammar's room next and the room was empty.

I walked down the hall to Khalifa's room and the door opened as I was about to turn the door handle.

"Good morning, Amma said I should call you for breakfast" he replied my greeting with a nod and came out fully from the room dressed in a grey denim jeans with a blue button up shirt. His hair glistening under the lights because of the water content in his hair.

The table's set the time I came back down. Abba's already sitting at the head and Amma by his left side, Khalifa took a seat by Abba's left side and I sat down beside him.

Ya Abdul came in minutes later with Zahra in his arms and holding Ammar's hand with his other free hand. He sat down opposite Abba with Zahra on his laps and Ammar say beside Amma. Adda Sameera also came down and sat down beside me.

I served Khalifa and Ammar, Adda Sameera served Ya Abdul and Amma served Abba. We all ate in silence with only a few words said.

"We should leave" Ya Abdul said to Adda Sameera who went upstairs to get her veil and purse.

They both went out with Zahra still in Ya Abdul's arms. They maids packed the used dishes while I went back to my room. Amma and Abba went back to their room also, probably decided to spend the weekend together. Ammar is watching TV at the living room upstairs.

I eventually got bored of sitting inside the house and decided to go to the garden. I went downstairs with my iPad and phone in hand and sitting in the swing there enjoying the breeze against my skin.

"Hey" a voice interrupted me and I look up to see Khalifa.

"Hi" I returned to the half done sketch on my iPad and I felt a figure towering over me.

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