Twenty nine.

888 92 1

Federal capital territory,


'Omo Ope' by Asake ft Olamide played through the speakers, cold air coming out of the air con and me taking selfies of myself and my 'husband' complaining from time to time that I already took many pictures before we left home.

I pressed record and hold, then kept the phone on the dash board "You can't sing the song is it by force?" Khalifa complained.

"That doesn't mean I can't move my lips and say rubbish, besides there's a little English in the song. It's not sang entirely in Yoruba" I continued what I was doing and turned the phone slightly that Khalifa is also showing.

He glared at me and I laughed "C'mon Khalifa, be fun for once. Let me change the song to something I can sing" I changed the song to 'side to side' by Ariana Grande. I forward the song to the part I can sing more and pressed record.

🎶These friends kept talking way too much
Say I should give you up
Can't hear them no cause I
I've been here all night
I've been here all day
And boy you got me walking side to side🎶

"I need to get a tripod for my phone" I said.

"Why do you need a tripod?" Khalifa asked.

"My videos need to be good"

"Videos? What videos?"

"I made this mini vlog during Eid and I really enjoyed filming and editing it, I think I might consider your advice and start a YouTube channel. Maybe" I added because I'm not too sure if I can handle being a vlogger because my life is basically boring.

"Okay then, tell me when you decide then we'll go get a tripod for you"  he gave me a small smile which made my heart sink in my chest.

"Thank you" I replied looking out the window trying to calm down my breathing.

The car pulled over and Khalifa pressed the horn and the gateman peeked his head out through the door to see who it is. The gate opened wide revealing the house I spent fourteen years of my life till everything changed months ago.

All the cars are in place which means everyone is at home except Ya Fahad who's back in school and Ya Adam who now works in Lagos now. I briskly walked into the house excited to see my other family.

I made my way up the stairs while Khalifa made himself comfortable in the living room downstairs together with Amrah who's watching tv. My bedroom door is slightly open and I wonder who opened it, it has been locked since I left except when it needs to be cleaned.

I heard small chattering as I neared the door, flinging the door open, three voices yelled my name and I entered a state of shock.

"Naisa" they all rushed and hugged me tight.

"When did you guys arrive?" I asked stunned.

"Two days ago" my cousin, Hauwa said.

"But you we didn't see you throughout. Don't you live here anymore?" My other cousin, Haneefa asked.

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