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Just like that her life turned into a joke. From being married at fourteen to actually finding bliss in the marriage to living in a new home, and now, she's trapped in a huge transparent box held hostage by a lowkey psychopath.

All she can remember was being out on a drive with Khalifa on this awesome power bike then suddenly, out of nowhere a car crashed into them launching the bike, Khalifa and her into the air. Gravity had other plans for them as they hit the road with a huge impact causing her to black out. The next time she opened her eyes she found myself in this huge box, trapped by a psycho.

Speaking of Khalifa, Sakeena wonder if he's alive considering how hard they hit the ground. She hopes he's alive and alright even though she's not so sure whether she'll get to see him again. Sakeena sat on the floor, listening to his conversation with a lady voice in a different language, Arabic. She definitely doesn't know what they're saying so she tuned them out and silently pray to make it out of there back to her families.

Sakeena heard footsteps approaching the glass box that got her on her feet at an instant. The lady and Sakeena stood face to face engaging in a staring contest, none of them giving up till she did. "How are you, Naisa?" She asked in a mocking tone.

"I feel trapped in a box." Sakeena answered her sarcastically, rolling her eyes.

"Hope you're enjoying your stay so far?" She asked.

"Clearly." Sakeena flashed her a sarcastic smile.

She hummed. "You really don't know who I am, do you?"

Sakeena shook my head. "Not really."

"I am way closer to you than you think." 'Haaya' smirked under the mask covering her face. She's clearly enjoying mocking her, if only she knows what's about to hit her as well.

"I've never seen you in my life sweetheart, not even in my dreams." Sakeena cooed causing her to roll her eyes. Haaya opened her closed fist revealing a remote, a tiny one. She smirked pressing one of the black buttons then suddenly, smoke started to fill the glass box she was in.

Sakeena tried hard not to let the panic show on my face but she's terribly freaking on the inside, her heart pounding. Haaya removed the mask on her face making Sakeena's eyes go wide. "You... You look like Haaya." Her gaze started to multiply making it hard for her to see clearly, she know she's going to pass out any second now. "But..." Sakeena staggered on her feet, "why do you look like me?" As soon as the words slip out of her mouth, she saw black, her body falling to the ground with a loud thud.

"And I regret looking like you." Haaya scoffed, walking away. "Even though I never had a choice." Her voice faded as she walked further.


The hospital room is dead silent with monitor machine beeping. Abba, Amma, Abdullah, Sameera and her daughter, Ammar are present. No one said a word, all of them lost in their own thought. Amma silently prayed for her children, Khalifa's health condition and Sakeena's safety.

The door bursted open revealing Arwa, who dressed roughly with a puffy red face. She got on a flight to Nigeria immediately the news reached Egypt. Amma rushed to hug her twin both of them sobbing in each other's arms. It was a sad scene to watch.

Areez, Araiz, and Arwa's husband, Hammad and Dalia, Amma's elder sister walked into the room. For a moment Abdullah and Fadeel forgot about their two cousins who are in Nigeria.

"I'm sorry I let you down." Amma apologized as she sobbed profusely. "I'm sorry." Arwa hugged her sister again, ignoring her apologies. She knew it was bound to happen, one way or the other, they now have to take the impact of the blow.

Abdullah took that as perfect timing and pulled a folded piece of paper from his pocket, handing it over to Abba. Since they're all gathered in one place they might as well let them know the truth now. They've been left in the dark for long now, it's time to shed some light upon the situation.

Abba handed the paper to Hammad, a solemn look on his face.

"I think we should all go home and talk about this." They all silently obeyed Abba's order except Sameera who stayed back with an unconscious Khalifa. On their way home, Abba phoned Sakeena's father, Ibrahim Abdulmaleek, finally informing him of the situation at hand. Sakeena's been gone for 26 hours now, they deserve to know what's happening because they're her parents.

Ibrahim Abdulamaleek and his wife, Mamie walked into the living room tension hanging in the atmosphere so thick like a blanket. She also looked like she shed some tears. New hot tears came rolling down as she sighted Arwa and Amma who sat together holding each other's hands. Adam and Fahad followed after being informed by their father of Sakeena's sudden disappearance.

They all sat down silence enveloping the room. "Is Sakeena even your daughter?" Abdullah dropped a shocking question directed to Mamie. "I'm sorry it has to be this way but we've all been left in the dark for too long and we need to know the truth, especially Khalifa and Naisa themselves." He elaborated politely, everyone waiting.

"Sakeena's my daughter." Mamie answered confidently.

Abdullah huffed as he leans back into the sofa he's sitting on.

Amma cleared her throat. "It all started whe-" she was cut off by a voice.

"Hello, mother." They all whipped her head towards the door where stood, gasps erupting from the room. She gracefully walked in, flames blazing in her eyes.

Amma stood up from where she's sitting abruptly. "Haaya?" She's the last person to expect at the moment.

She faced palmed her self. "Point of correction, I'm not Haaya. I am Haana."


Go shawty it's mah birthdayyyyyy💃🎊. Say a prayer for me, it'll suffice.🥹❤️‍🩹

We weren't all expecting that, were we?🙂

Who's Haana again?😫 Atp I don't even know who's who sef.

Short chapter I know but let's all meet in the next chapter for the roller coaster ride.

And yes, Khalifa will wake up don't worry😂.




Love, Aisha💓

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