Twenty one.

944 100 0

Federal capital territory,


"You're leaving already?" I said to Mamie pouting. "It's just 7:00, please leave after Isha"

"Stop being a baby Naisa. It's night already" Mamie said pulling her phone from her bag. I guess she's calling the driver.

I miss my mother so much. I love it here with Amma but I miss my other mother. The woman who gave birth to me and the woman I lived with for fourteen years of my life.

"Aren't you tired of this heavy dress? Go and change. And also I have told you countless times to always braid your hair. It's so unlike a lady to always leave your hair unbraided" Mamie said looking at my hair packed in a low bun.

"Her hair is really beautiful and silky" Amma said looking at me. "But your Mamie is right, you shouldn't always leave your hair like this all the time"

"I'll be right back" I said exiting the room and went straight to my room.

I changed from the dress I was in and into a baggy sweatshirt and leggings. I removed my contacts and wore my glasses. Right on cue, a knock was sounded on my door.

"Come in" I said and Mamie walked into the room.

"Sit Naisa" she said sitting on the bed and I sat down beside her laying my head on her laps.

"How are you doing?" She asked.

"I'm doing fine, alhamdulillah" I mumbled.

"I can see you're enjoying it here"

"I am but I also miss home Mamie"

"You can come visit anytime but this is also your home now. Just like how you're a daughter to me, you're also a daughter to Ruqayya"

"I know Mamie and Amma loves me so much just like you do. I am glad I have two mothers who shower me with so much love in my life" I said looking at her.

"See, you said it yourself. Ruqayya loves as much as I do. I want you to be an obedient daughter and sister to all the people in this house"

"InSha Allah Mamie" I said smiling.

"I came to inform you that your brother will be back in Abuja soon and also you should come visit your father" Mamie said adjusting her veil and giving me a warm hug.

"I'll come soon Mamie, Saturday InSha Allah. Let me get my hijab" I said walking to the closet and grabbed a knee length hijab.

We met Amma in the kitchen and Adda Samee was in her room resting after today's event. We went to the front porch and I hugged Mamie for a few minutes then bade goodbye.

"I'll ask Khalifa to take you to the hair dressing salon. Whenever you are free just inform me" Amma said and I nodded then back walked upstairs.

I went back to my room and prayed Isha then sat down to do some homework.

I heard a knock on my door when I was laying on my bed with my iPad in my hand going through some of my old sketches. I sketch whenever I'm bored and I gotta admit, I'm good at it.

I got bored and decided to go out to the garden to get some fresh air. I walked out through the kitchen back door with my phone in my hand. The light around the house illuminating it under the dark sky with the stars and moon glowing.

I sat on the swing in the garden enjoying the peace of the night going back and forth slowly. The flowers swaying slightly due to the night breeze. I have always loved watching the moon and stars at night.

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