Fifty five.

845 99 11

Federal Capital Territory,

Seconds turned into hours, hours turned into days, days turned into nights for Sakeena. Seven whole days have passed but the aching in her heart didn't. She spent days and night crying and praying, barely coming out of her room. Her hand is gradually healing but she doesn't think that the hole in her heart will forever be filled.

Memories flashed before her eyes every single time she tried to sleep, good and bad memories filled her head to the brim. In a year, her life changed in ways she didn't expect, not that she isn't grateful because she has found true love in a year. But no one told her that it'll hurt this much, but in the end, what is love without pain?

Her mind, body and soul yearned for Khalifa every second of every day. She wants to be with him and just him but she cannot. There are great boundaries separating them and the only way out is through. But can they make it to the end? That thought alone shattered Sakeena more and more. Plus the fact that she doesn't even know what's going on, everything happened in the blink of an eyes.

A knock came on her door as she continued to stare at the ceiling, not having to energy to get up and open the door. She could only stare at the door as it opened. She huffed as Fahad walked in, dressed in a plain black t-shirt and camouflage sweatpants.

Sakeena looked away from him and continue to stare at the ceiling. "Someone's here to see you." Fahad voiced.

"Too bad, I don't want to see them." Sakeena replied.

Fahad sighed and moved to sit beside her on the bed. "Naisa please, you can't keep doing this to yourself. You need to at least step out of this room." He tried to convince her but she only shrugged. "It's Maymuna and the girls." He continued.

"Tell them to go away." She chased them off.

"You still won't change your mind, right?" She nodded and he stood up. "Keep Maymuna company and tell the girls I'll see them tomorrow." She added making Fahad smile, at least she considered seeing them tomorrow.

She heard the door close shut, only then she moved from her position. She picked up her phone, not actually her phone because she left hers in her other home, the home she's not sure whether she'll ever go back. She is currently using a phone Fahad got her to ease her boredom but nothing is bringing her out of the safe space she forcefully pushed herself into.

She heard the rumbling of thunder from far, grey clouds blanketing the sky showing evidences of heavy rainfall. Shortly, wind blew making the windows of her room to bang on their own. The sky grew darker and darker, just like the pain in her heart spread more and more.

She unknowingly find herself leaving her room, down the stairs and out of the house. The wind blew her loose hair in all directions, some strands slapping her face but she doesn't care one bit. A rain drop fell on her face as she stared at the sky, followed by another and another, soon after it turn into a heavy downfall. A tear rolled down her cheek followed by another and another.

Just what she needed to get all those emotions out. She has bottled enough already. Hot tears rolled down her face as she silently cried in the rain, with the sky drenching herself from head to toe. Her chest squeezed so tightly she couldn't breathe. She has lost control of all her senses and is constantly getting pulled by waves and waves of emotions.

She stood there in the rain, crying her heart out till she felt herself being shaken. She opened her bloodshed eyes to look at her eldest brother, Adam. She clutched onto him in a tight hug and cried till her head started to spin and she blacked out.


A tingling sensation brought Sakeena back to reality. She fluttered her eyes open to find herself in the confines of the four walls of her room, away from the rain that's now stopped. She felt tiny hands pull the hair away from her face as she moved, trying to get herself up.

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