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Federal capital territory,


Dressed in my light blue long sleeve shirt and dark blue skirt, paired with a blazer on top because of the cold weather and white pop socks. My black polish shoe clad on my feet and a dark blue cap on covering my hair which is in a bun, I picked my black backpack filled with books and other stuff,  I switched off the lights and exited my room.

Khalifa came out of his room the same time as me dressed in the same color but he's wearing a trouser without a cap though.

"Good morning" I greeted him.

"Morning Naisa" he replied and we went downstairs for breakfast.

"Morning everyone" we both greeted at the same time. By everyone only Amma and Ammar were sitter there.

"Morning Naisa, have a seat" Amma said and I pulled a chair and sat down beside her. Khalifa sat down beside Ammar opposite me.

I had garlic bread and a cup of chai and twenty minutes later, we were outside ready to leave.

"We'll drop Ammar off first" Khalifa said to the drive and he only nodded, zooming out of the house in the black Camry.

We reached Ammar's school and met a lot of parents trooping in and out the school gate with their children.

"Adda please come with so I can show you my class" he said putting his spiderman backpack behind him.

I looked at Khalifa waiting for an approval from him and he gave me a curt nod. I wonder what is wrong with him now?

We got down the car and Ammar dragged me through the gate where many other people are trooping through into a really big compound which has colourful flowers adorning it. A playground which contains swings, see saws, a merry go round and a sandbox.

I followed him into a block which contains a long corridor with classrooms and we entered the second to the last door at the far end of the corridor.

"Someone looks cheerful as usual" a woman who looked like she's in her late thirties said to Ammar.

"Good morning Mrs. Cynthia" Ammar said flashing her a cheeky smile.

"You must be a relative to him I guess" Mrs Cynthia said bringing her hand forward it a handshake.

"His elder sister actually" I said shaking her hand while she looks at me weirdly.

"I never knew Ammar had an elder sister" she said fascinated.

"I actually don't live in the country that's why you don't know me but I'm back now" I said lying and giving her a cheeky smile. "I'll take my leave now, I also have a school to go to" I said to Mrs Cynthia.

"Bye baby Ammar" I said waving at him while he ran to me and hug my legs.

"Bye Adda" he said running off to his friends.

I walked back to the car and we zoomed off to our school without any of us saying a word to each other.

"If you need anything, come to Imran's, we're in the same class and I supposed you know the class" Khalifa said to me as we walked through the school gate.

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