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"Your wedding date has been set. The wedding will take place in two weeks time. I know this was what you never had in mind about your future Sakeena but you will thank us one day for this" Baba said as we we're all sitted in the living room. Khalifa and his parents visited yesterday to set the date for our nikkah.

"Sure Baba, may Allah spare our lives to witness it" I said while the other answered with ameen.

"My baby sister is all grown up, you seem calm about this. Do you know the type of tantrums I threw on my own wedding day?" Adda said trying to brighten up everybody's mood.

"I do because I was there" I said making everyone laugh.  Family really means everything. Enjoy the company of your family before it's too late.

"You girls should come and help me prepared for dinner" Amma said making way to the kitchen.

We made basmati rice with chicken biryani and macaroni salad. In two hours we were done and went to pray Maghrib prayer.

"Aunty Naisa come down for food" Affan said entering my room and met me on the prayer mal be down in a sec munchkin" I said standing up and folded my hijab and prayer mat.

"Assalam Alaykum" I said entering the dining room and sat opposite Adda with Baba at the head of the table, Mamie beside him on the right side of the table, Ya Adam beside him on the left side, then Adda beside him, then Affan beside her. On the right side beside me is Fahad and Amrah beside him.

"Wa'alaikis Salam" they all answered amaid began to serve us. Adda, Amrah and I moved to the living room to watch TV while Baba and Mamie went upstairs to tuck Affan in bed as he is asleep.

"Salam Alaykum" Ya Faisal, Adda's husband said entering the living room. He arrived from Kano earlier today.

"Wa'alaikas Salam" we answered and exchanged pleasantries with him and moves to the living room upstairs.

I went back to my room and unplug my phone from where it was charging and turned on my mobile data.

Bibaaa💕: Hey girls🙋🏻‍♀️

Safff💞: Yoo!

Moon💓: Hiiiii

Me: hellooo

Safff💞: Sakeena where have you been?🤔

Me: nowhere, just lazying around!

Bibaaa💕:  that's all you do with your life!🙄

Me: 😝

Moon💓: I'm always bored in the house, nowhere to go.

Safff💞: same here.

Bibaaa💕: me too.

Me: I'm not.

Safff💞: why don't we have a girls hangout tomorrow?

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