Twenty eight.

909 105 1

Federal capital territory,


"Eid Mubarak everyone" I said going down the stairs dressed in a blue abaya with pink stonned flowers on the sleeves. It's matching veil wrapped round my head.

"Eid Mubarak Naisa. You're gonna have the best eid with us" Ya Fahad walked out of the kitchen grinning, dressed in a dark blue kaftan. At the same time, Ammar came down together with Khalifa dressed in matching kaftans. Khalifa has a cap perched on his head while Ammar doesn't.

"Adda looks pretty" Ammar said to Khalifa on a not so whisper voice which made me laugh. All of us are matching and I gotta admit, my brothers are so breathtakingly handsome.

I went to the kitchen and made a cup of coffee before joining the others in the living room waiting for Amma and Abba. The first cup of coffee in the morning just hits different after 30 good days of fasting.

I quickl gulped everything down and took the mug back to the kitchen "How about we take some pictures before they come down?" Ya Fadeel suggested.

We all agreed and he brought out his iPhone 11 pro. We all grinning at the camera when and he took a selfie. We snapped much more, including mirror selfie in front of the console.

I posted a video on both my Instagram and Snapchat story tagging both Ya Fadeel and Khalifa.

My phone pinged indicating a message, it's from Ya Fadeel. It's a short video of Khalifa and I. He must've taken it when both if us didn't know.

Moments later, Amma and Abba came downstairs. Abba dressed in the same kaftan as the guys and Amma in the same abaya as me. Guess this family have a thing for matching outfits. I took a short video of both of them and captioned it with "😻❤". They look so cute, Masha Allah.

Eid Mubaraks were exchanged and we all exited the house and piled up in the car except Amma. Ya Fadeel in the driver's seat, Abba in the passenger seat, Khalifa in the right and I in the left seat in the middle and Ammar at the back.

"You know where you stayed the other time we came here right?" I nodded at Khalifa's question.

"I'll get you myself when we done with the prayer" I nodded again like a little girl and I parted ways with the males.

Both the sermon and the prayer passed by in a blur. I stood with a prayer mat in my hands and phone in the other waiting for Khalifa to come get me.

A hand is placed on my shoulder and my self defense instincts kick in. I swinged the prayer mat in my hand hitting the person square in the face and wanted to make a run for it but a hand caught my wrist.


I let out a breath of relief when I came face to face with Imran. "You scarfed me" I snatched my wrist from his grip.

He raised his hand in surrender and smirk.

"Eid Mubarak" he said and I ignored him.

"It's not nice you know, you have to return the gesture" I almost scoff when he said that.

Where is Khalifa?

I screamed in my head. He should come and get me away from his pestering cousin. I started walked away but soon enough I heard footsteps following me. I ignored his calls of my name and kept walking.

"Naisa wait" I halted and turned to face him.

"What is it that you want?" I snapped.

"C'mon Naisa, stop being rude" this time I scoffed. Literally.

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