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Gaat International School,


"Sakeena, Sakeenatou wake up." I felt a hand poking me.

"Wake up, someone is here to see you." Maymuna said pointing outside in the environment of the school. I looked up only to see Imran outside in front of our class talking to Mr. Daniel, the exam officer of our school.

He waved at me and I waved back.

"Miss Ibrahim and Miss Kabir, I can clearly see your attentions are not here with us" I heard our geography say.

"Sorry sir" Both Maymuna and I said at the same time.

"This is a very important topic and you will do yourselves favours if you concentrate." he said adjusting his spectacles.

"I so much hate this man" I heard Maymuna say beside me.

"I'm on board with on that train" I said laughing a little bit.

After a long boring lesson about the inner and outer layers of the Earth, the class was finally over.


"And that was how I almost survived the heartattack Amrah almost gave me on Saturday" I concluded my narration to Imran about how Amrah almost dropped my phone inside the toilet on Saturday.

I glanced at Imran to see him zoned out. I clapped her hands in front of him and said to myself under my breath"Is he even listening to me?"

I followed the direction of his view only to find him looking at Asma'u, his ex girlfriend and a girl with an ego as huge as Mount Everest, she thinks she's better than everybody, she's an 11th grader. She actually dumped him for his friend and since then he was heart broken. They made a really bad couple, constantly fighting and arguing with her annoying  endless nagging.

He does everything an ideal boyfriend to do for his girlfriend, he's the best but best isn't enough for her. We used to be "friends" simply because she think I'm "pretty" she once complimented me, but ever since she received the news of Imran and I in a relationship, she switched faces.

I brought my attention back to Imran and see him still zoned out. "Imran." I called louder this time clapping my hands with more force in front of his face.

He simply glanced at me and looked away. "Yes." His nonchalance attitude made me frown, my forehead creasing.

I turned a blind eye to his attitude and asked. "What's wrong with you?"

"It's nothing, I'm fine." He said obviously lying.

I puffed my cheeks out. "You're lying." I voiced with a serious face.

He rubbed his hands together and blew out some air. "I'm just thinking about the upcoming prefectship election, I really can't believe I won't be head boy anymore." He said with a sad smile, refusing to look at me in the eye.

"Well, you still have 4 months before that, just try and make it memorable for yourself." I advised, flashing him a small supportive smile.

He smiled back. "I will."

"Want to hang out today?" I said trying to cheer him up.

"Sounds great." he said grinning widely showing off his straight set of pearly white teeth, he's got the cutest smile.

"I'll come over later in the evening."


The bell rang, disrupting our short time together. "I got to get back to class." I straightened the invisible creases on my skirt as I stood up

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