Fifty two.

853 99 11

Not Edited.

Federal Capital Territory,

She walked into the hospital, her heels leaving clanks on the tiled floor, head held up high. Even though with a mask hiding her nose and mouth, the antiseptic smell of the hospital hit her hard. Large sunglasses covered her eyes, a scarf wrapped around her hair.

She has a bad experience with hospitals. Many treacherous events caused her to land there more times than she could count.

Locating the room of the one she came here for was easy. Pushing the door without asking for permission, she entered the room that contains only one person, the patient himself. There was no other person in the room. She watched his sister walk out before she made a move to see him.

Standing beside the bed, she took in his disheveled face, a bandaged wrapped around his head and nose, stitches covered his swollen face. Khalifa did some real damage to his face, kudos to him for that. He now knows the immense love Khalifa has for his wife, the same love which will lead to his downfall once again.

Sakeena popped out of nowhere and took her place in his heart, in everyone's heart and she'll be damned if she let's it continue that way. If she goes down, she takes everyone with her. Imran is just the perfect pawn in her game, she'll use the love he claims to have for Sakeena in her own advantage.

Imran's eyes flutter open, even in his sleep his mind sensed that there's a person hovering over him, her soul radiates danger. The toxic energy gotten from her is too strong to handle. He knows how well she causes chaos wherever she goes even though he hasn't known her for long. For her to be in Sakeena and Khalifa's life, they are in for it.

"Khalifa didn't do you good." Haaya chuckled. "I will say stay from Sakeena but we all know that's not what both of us want." She concluded with a smirk.

"What do you want?" Imran coughed roughly as his throat burn. Haaya passed him a bottle of water which he gulped down at one go.

"Same thing that you want." Came her reply. "Both Sakeena and Khalifa can't be together. I'm not here to cause you any harm. All I want is your cooperation, just maybe we can achieve what we both want." Imran hesitated before shaking his head no. He doesn't want any involvement with this... girl, and whatever she has to offer anymore.

"C'mon Imran, I can't believe you're giving up on Sakeena." She sighed and slumped her shoulders. "Khalifa always gets the upper hand and you get the remaining of what's his everytime. After all, it's not your luck." She laughed internally as she watched jealousy flashed in Imran's eyes. She knew that will do the trick.

"What is in for me then?" Imran asked.

"You get Sakeena, the girl you're crazy about." Haaya replied with a smug expression. She just doesn't get why he's so attracted to her.

Imran hesitated for a bit. "What do I have to do?" He stared at the ceiling, his heart hammering in his chest.

Is he about to make a bad decision? Yes.

Will he regret it? Yes.

But, nonetheless, it'll bring Sakeena back into his arms so it's worth a shot.

Haaya elaborated her plans to him and the role he'll play. "Sakeena's elder brother is the biggest bait that we have, I know exactly how to lure him. That's it, I have a meeting with someone important. Get well soon." She sashayed out of the room like she owns the floor with her heels leaving resonating flanks behind.


"Polo club, 16:00 sharp."

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