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Federal capital territory,


I went back to sleep after Fajr prayer and was sleeping peacefully until I felt a finger tapping my cheeks.

"Amrah please let me sleep" I groaned as I pull the duvet up to cover my face but the person pulled the duvet down again and continue to tap my cheeks.

"Aunty Naisa wake up" I heard a tiny voice saying. Only one person calls me aunty in this world. I opened my eyes to see my one and only nephew.

"Affan" I said hugging him tightly. Gosh I miss him so much.

"Aunty Naisa you're finally awake" he said jumping on my bed.

"Yes but when did you get here, where's your mum?"

"She's downstairs, Aunty look my teeth has fall out" he said grinning widely.

"Let's go" I said as I wear my big hijab over my pajamas.

"Zainab Ibrahim Abdulmaleek sae yau aka tuna damu" I said as entered the kitchen.

She's already eating our food when she have her own house back in Kano state.

"Kehhh! I'll spank you fah. You're still here with this running mouth of yours koh?"

"Eh mana and you can never make me change" I said sticking my tongue out at her.

"Why did you even come to Abuja anyways?" I said picking an apple from the fruit bowl on the kitchen island.

"I came to see my one and only mother and this is also my father's house"

"This is no longer your house"

"Make me leave then" she said throwing the spoon she's holding at me.

"Both of you stop" Mamie said for the first time since I went into the kitchen.

"She started it" we both said at the same time.

"I'm going back to my room" I said taking my apple with me.

"Yeah, go back to where you belong" Adda Zee Zee said.

I went back to my room, unplugged my phone and played Nobody by Joeboy and started tidying my room.

I was dancing to the rhythm of the song when my phone pinged indicating a message. It was from Khalifa.

Khalifaaaa: hey.

Me: hello.

Khalifaaaa: I just wanted to say thank you so much for yesterday. You really helped out and made the party a success. Thank you so much.

Me: your welcome, besides what are friends for.

Not gonna lie but Khalifa and I have gotten so close over this past few days.

Who wouldn't?  My inner voice said.

Khalifaaaa: hope you're not stressed out?

Me: I'm fine, besides I had fun.

Khalifaaaa: that's great, bye.

Me: okay bye.

I entered the toilet to take my bath after I finished sweeping my room. I got dressed in a white top with the picture of the Eiffel tower in front of it and dark blue denim jeans and went to the living room downstairs to eat breakfast.

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