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This is it!

The day that changes everything, door better or for worse. The day that every girl wants to see in her life. The day tears are shed by some, the day full of smiles and joy.

But for me, it's the total opposite. Never in my life did I think this will happen to me, never in a million years to come. We plan and He plans for He is the best of planners.

Overwhelmed by different emotions, having mixed feelings, not knowing what I'm even feeling right now.

A girl wasn't meant to stay in her father's house forever right? One day, she'll have to leave for her own home to build her own family. She will live under a man, no more freedom like she gets in her father's house.

A decision that will change my life forever is being carried out. For I will no longer be known as a Miss but a Mrs.

"Naisa, are you done?" I heard Adda's voice from the other side of the door.

"Come in" I said, my throat dry.

"Let me help you with that" she said grabbing the long side of the red and black lafayya I was tying before the came in.

"C'mon Sakeena don't worry everything will turn out just fine In Sha Allah, now smile for me amarya" she said raising my chin up with her hand, looking into my eyes.

"You look so beautiful" she said covering my hair which is in a bun with the remaining length of the attire.

"Thank you" I whispered smiling.

"Do you want me to call Maymuna for you?" She asked as if she was reading my mind.

"Yes" I said with misty eyes, tears clouding my vision.

"C'mon now don't cry, you'll ruin your makeup" she said hugging me. We were in a comfortable silence with me gulping down water when Mamie came in dressed in a purple and cream lace bou bou.

"I'll just give Maymuna a call" Adda said exiting the room leaving only Mamie and I.

"My baby is looking so beautiful Ma Sha Allah" Mamie said sitting down beside me on the bed.

"I'll miss you so much Mamie" I said tearing up again.

"You may be young Sakeena but you should know that your Jannah lies under your husband's feet. Whatever you do, good or bad will be recorded by the angels of Allah. You'll be living with them from today onwards so please, accept them as your own family, love them just like you do us" she said taking a pause making my waterworks start.

"This is the beginning of a new journey for you my dear, no matter what happens, never stop praying. Allah is always there to listen. You'll be completing your deen today so please Sakeena, I want you to be patient all the time. Sabr is the key to a happy marriage"

"I know Khalifa and his family will take really good care of you as their own daughter so please, love and cherish them also. I have said enough now, Amina will take over from where I stopped" the said hugging me while I cry my eyes out thinking how I'm going to live without them all.

"I want you to have this" she said giving me a qur'an and an azkar book. " I'm sure you know how to use them" she said wiping my tears.

"Thank you so much Mamie" I said hiccuping.

"Now stop crying, did you pray the two raka'ats I told you to?" She asked checking my packed boxes sat the entrance of my closet.

"Yes I did" I said sniffing.

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