Twenty two.

979 106 3

Federal capital territory,


I got dressed in my uniform ready for school and got out of my room the same time Sakeena was.

"Ready?" I asked her.

"Yeah, let's go" she said and we walked downstairs together to the kitchen got get some breakfast.

She served us both some fried potatoes with ketchup and scrambled eggs on different plates. She actually have her own in a bowl.

"I've noticed prefer eating food in a bowl to plate" I said out of curiosity.

"Mmm hmm" she said putting two pieces of fries I'm her mouth using the fork. "I want coffee" she said.

"Aren't you too young to drink coffee?"

"I'm not"

"You're literally fourteen so you are too young for coffee"

"How did you even know me age? What is yours?"

"That is for me to know and for you to find out" I asked clearing the food on my plate and dropped it in the kitchen sink.

"You might want to hurry or we'll get late for school" I said to her before grabbing my bag and walked out of the kitchen.

I went to the living room and found Abba, Amma and Ammar have tea.

"I didn't know you were back Abba. Ina kwana" I said surprised to see him.

"Lafiya lau Khalifa. I came back late last night and didn't want to disturb any of you. Where's Sakeena?" Abba asked.

"Here. Ina kwana" she greeted squatting down near to me and he answered with a smile on his face.

"Good morning Amma" I greeted and sat down beside her on the two sitter and Sakeena also did the same but sat down opposite me.

"Hope you slept well?" She asked referring to both of us while we a sweater with alhamdulillah.

We were all lost in our own world with Abba watching the morning news and Ammar playing with Amma's phone when Abba spoke "how are your studies Sakeena? Hope there's no any issue?"

"Alhamdulillah. No issues at all" she answered and Amma ushered us all to leave for school.

Soon, we were entering the gate of the school past security and we both headed for our various classes.

"Sup dude" Ahmad said immediately I came into the class making their attention turn to me.

"All good" I said and settled down on my seat.

Further into the day, during recess Ahmad, Sa'ad and I were seating in the class with all the others; Imran and his peer in one part of the classroom.

"You guys have to start preparing for prom night. I have a feeling it'll be the best" Ahmad said with a wide grin.

"Who are you taking as your plus one?" Sa'ad asked.

"I've got someone in mind" Ahmad said with a smirk looking at me.

"Why are you starring at me this way?" I asked.

"Who are you taking to prom?" Sa'ad asked.

"Well, we all know" Ahmad said raising his brows at me earning a glare.

"I don't" Sa'ad said.

"That is for me to know and for you to fine out" I said getting bored of this conversation.

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