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Federal capital territory,


"C'mon please" he pleaded.

"No, why don't you ask her yourself and hear what she has to say about it" I said pressing the screen of my phone.

"C'mon dude, bro code"

"Do not use the bro code card on me and I'm not asking Sakeena anything"

"This isn't fair"

"Life isn't fair" I said pressing the power button on my phone while Ahmad slumped onto the sofa.

"Khalifa please" he said moving close to me.

"I never knew there was a girl that will make you this helpless"

"I'm not helpless okay? You have your own wife now, let me get mine also and she's the only one I want"

"Then ask Sakeena for her number yourself, don't get me caught up in this" I said walking out of my room.

"What's there in asking your own wife for her friends number, please?" he said following me like a tail.

"This is the her room, why don't you gently knock on the door and wait for her come out because it is highly inappropriate you to go into a lady's room and then ask her"

"It's not as easy as it sounds"

"C'mon do it and stop bugging me" I said pointing her room door. "You're even supposed to be home right now, it's weekend and you're here disturbing all of us" I asked him wanting to get him off my back.

"Dude, you know I'm an only child, home is boring" he said groaning.

"Now about the number" he said pressure the issue further.






"Okay fine then I'll tell her" he said knocking on the door. Few minutes later she opened the door wearing a long brown hijab.

"Hey Ahmad, Khalifa" she said poking her opening the door making the AC blow cold wind outside. How does she sleep with the air con on in this cold weather?

"I didn't wake you up from sleep, did I?" Ahmad said.

"No, I wasn't sleeping" she said rubbing her left eye "do you guys need anything?" she asked after some moments of awkward silence.

"Khalifa wants to ask you something" he said hitting me with his shoulder. You're seriously going to get it from me Ahmad.

"What is it?"

"He's asking for your friend's number, Safiyya" I said glaring at Ahmad who stood quiet beside me.

"Sure, let me get my phone" she said going back into the room leaving the door wide open. Her room is so neat and tidy and also a little bit bigger than mine.

A loud piercing scream reached our ears making me rush into the room only to find Naisa standing high on her bed side drawer.

"Sakeena what's wrong?" I asked her feeling panicked but didn't let it show on my face.

"Get it away from me" she said standing high on the drawer.

"Get what away from you?"

"The monster, it's right there on the head rest of my bed. Get it away" she said fear taking over her facial features.

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