Forty six.

937 111 12

Federal Capital Territory,

"Maymuna." Sakeena yelled throwing the door open. Her yell got followed with a gasp at the sight in front of her. She's dumbstruck, her jaw touching the floor. "I cannot believe this." She finally voiced.

"Naisa." Maymuna broke the silence. "You're back."

"Hell yeah I'm back." She trudged further into the living room with Khalifa following her. "How can you both do this to me?" She crossed her arms across her chest, tapping her foot on the tiled floor.

"It's not like we're supposed to tell you everything going on between us." Maymuna's announced making Sakeena to glare at him.

"Ya Fahad don't. I'm always the middleman in your relationship even when we're in two separate countries." She remembered the first time Imran contacted her after a while about the fight between her brother and best friend. "I'm always the one trying to fix your relationship even when I've got my own to handle and you think I don't deserve to know." Sakeena huffed and sat down on the one sitter opposite her brother.

Khalifa shook his head at Sakeena's childishness and went forward to exchange bro handshakes with Fahad. He took a seat beside Sakeena who's fuming for nothing. He placed his hand on top of Sakeena's which earned him a glare from Fahad.

"Ya Fahad can you please stop sending daggers at my husband?" Sakeena chided when she noticed her brother boring holes into Khalifa's head with his eyes.

"I can't believe you're this shameless now Naisa." He tsk and shook his head. "Mamie's going to hear about this."

"Too bad because she's the one who got me married in the first place." Sakeena smiled sarcastically. "Back to the topic at hand, I'm disappointed in you too."

"You said it yourself, you've got your own relationship to handle so focus on that." Fahad shooed her off making her pout.

Sakeena scoffed then stood up and walked to where her brother is sitting. "Ya Fahad I missed you." She engulfed him in a bear hug.

Fahad hugged her back. "I missed you too Naisa." They pulled away. "I can't believe you came to see Maymuna first than your own brothers."

"Hey!" Maymuna exclaimed.

"Sorry Moon, bros before hoes." Sakeena chided.

"Not fair!" Maymuna rolled her eyes.

"When are you guys getting married?" Sakeena asked abruptly.

"Not any time soon." Maymuna flashed Sakeena a sarcastic smile.

"See." Fahad faced Sakeena. "I'm ready but she always turns me down. Talk to her please."

"C'mon moon." Sakeena pleaded.

"Not everyone can get married at a really early age like you do Naisa." Maymuna leaned her head back on the sofa. "Let me finish high school at least."

Sakeena's eyes lit up with amusement. "Then  you'll marry my brother?"

"Not yet." Maymuna answered deadpanned.

"Why not?" Sakeena frowned.

"I'm not ready."

"Was I?"

Maymuna shook her head. "Yours was a different case."

Sakeena shot up from her seat. "Why are you giving my brother a hard time?"

Maymuna raised her eyes to look at her before looking away and ignored Sakeena's question which made Sakeena furious. "Answer me Maymuna." Maymuna kept shut making Sakeena more enraged.

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