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Federal capital territory,


Two weeks later.

I am sprawled on my bed right now totally exhausted. We went for the competition two days ago and we won. Yay.

The house is seriously quite. Baba's went to the mosque for jumma'at prayer, Ya Adam went back to school a week ago, Amrah is over at Aunty Bilki's house for a sleep over.

Aunty Bilki is actually Baba's younger sister. She's literally my favourite aunty.

I lazily walked to the bathroom and took a shower. I sometimes hate school, thank God this term will soon end.

I came out of the bathroom wrapped in a fluffy black bath robe. I applied my creams and lotion and walked into the closet.

I picked a cotton maxi blue gown and tied matching blue turban. I did a very light nude makeup with nude pink lips.

I met Mamie downstairs watching Sunnah tv.

"Jumma'at Kareem Mamie na" I said kissing her cheeks.

"Are you going somewhere?" She said giving me the questioning look.

"Nop, I'm just going to the garden to take some pictures near the pool" I said waving my Canon camera. Have I mentioned I have a strong passion for photography.

"Okay sweetie have fun" she said grinning widely.

Okay that was weird!

After several shots with Fauziya, I am finally done.

I went back inside the house and the tv is off which means Mamie is in her room.

I went back to my room and transferred the pictures to my iPad ready for editing. I heard a knock on my door.

"Come in" I said. Mamie came in and sat on my bed.

"Khalifa is coming over after jumma'at services"She said.

"What? Which Khalifa?" I said surprised.

"Which Khalifa do you know?" She said smacking me.

"Ahh, Mamie, what is he coming to do here?"

"His mum sent him to Jabi to pick up a package sent to her but he apparently he doesn't know where Jabi is, so I told her that your free today and you guys can go together, pick up the package and give him a tour around Abuja". She said.

"But why me Mamie, doesn't he have cousins in Abuja?" I asked.

"He does but you pray zuhr, re touch your makeup, he'll be here in an hour" she said.

"And also, please Naisa be nice because I know that you can be rude sometimes" she said getting up from the bed.

"Okay Mamie" I mumbled under my breath.

I seriously can't believe this! why me Mamie?.

I carried my lazy self to the en suite to perform ablution. Thank God the foundation and everything I'm wearing is water proof so I don't have to wipe everything and applied it again.

I prayed and went downstairs to grab something to eat. I sat down in the living room watching Shake it up on Disney channel while munching on the leftover spaghetti and meatballs we had for dinner yesterday that I warmed up in the microwave.

After two episodes, I felt presence behind me. I looked up to see the intruder standing in the hallway.

"Oh my God, don't you know how to say Salam" I said trying to cover my hair. I removed the turban when I was going to perform ablution.

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