Forty three.

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Dancing with your ghost- Sasha Sloane.
Why don't we (8 letters) - unknown.

Cairo, Egypt.

Sakeena stired in her sleep. Something tugged her leg but she pushed it away and pulled her legs back into the duvet. It tugged her feet again making her groan. She opened her eyes, trying to focus her blurry vision on the soft fluffy- thing- beside her.

Then it moved, causing Sakeena to jump up from the position she's in to a sitting position. The room is dark, only the glow of the moon providing a little light to the room. Sakeena extended her hand to the side drawer where her glasses lay.

Putting it on, she came face to face with a huge white teddy bear making her loud scream pierce through the silence of the night. The lights immediately went on, illuminating the room with a warm glow.

A nervous Khalifa stood with his hand on the light switch, his lips curled in a small smile. "Sorry for scaring you."

Saleena glared at him. "Don't do that ever again."

Khalifa moved towards the bed and extended his hand to her. Sakeena stared at him with raised brows, confused about what he's doing in her room in the middle of the night. "What are you doing here?" Sakeena voiced.

Khalifa hit his heart area. "I'm pained bubbi, you don't want me in your room anymore."

"Bubbi? What's bubbi again?"

"It's my nickname for you, wifey is getting old so we are now bubba and bubbi." Khalifa elaborated with an innocent smile that makes her heart bounce in her chest, a smile made way to her face.

Khalifa sat at the edge of the bed, his socks clad feet on the carpet. He pat the space beside inviting Sakeena. He engulfed her in a side hug, his face resting on top of her head.

Sakeena giggled as his hair tickle her neck, welcoming the warmth radiating off Khalifa. She allowed herself to drown in his embrace till she spoke. "What's wrong?" Sakeena's voice is laced with concern.

"You really don't remember."

"No." He pulled away but his arm never left her back and he kept her close.

Khalifa placed a kiss on her cheek and whispered in her ear. "Happy birthday bubbi." His voice came out gentle and calm, heavy with so much unsaid emotions. He wants to blurt out every single thing he feels for her. He wants to take their relationship to the next level and also wants her to feel that she's loved.

"C'mon Khalifa, you know I don't understand."

Khalifa pulled away and held the teddy bear to his chest. He rested his chin of the head of the teddy bear. "Happy birthday bubbi."

Sakeena brow draw together, a distant look on her face. "It's my birthday?" She asked.

Khalifa pulled his phone out of the sweatpants pocket and turned on the screen. He pushed the phone in her face so she can read the time and date. "It's my birthday." Sakeena yelled the tone of her voice rising. "It's my birthday." Sakeena threw her body on Khalifa's with the hope that he'll catch her which he did.

Khalifa chuckled. "I never knew that you're this excited on your birthdays." Sakeena pulled away but her hands are still on his neck.

"I'm just excited that this is my first birthday with you."

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