dear you,
there's no poem here,
not even the prose.
and do not wish for the girl.she's not here.
she's not there.
she's somewhere else.
and I bet you know where.right between Mr. Americano and a cup of Matcha Latte.
April 14, 2021.
Antologi Cerpen Dan Puisi
General FictionAntologi Cerpen Dan Puisi berisikan kumpulan puisi dan cerpen dan terkadang berisi kumpulan catatan yang murni dibuat sendiri oleh author sebagai pengisi waktu luang. Segala hal yang tertulis di sini sama sekali tidak bermaksud untuk menyinggung sia...
dear you
dear you,
there's no poem here,
not even the prose.
and do not wish for the girl.she's not here.
she's not there.
she's somewhere else.
and I bet you know where.right between Mr. Americano and a cup of Matcha Latte.
April 14, 2021.