Maybe this is suit for you,
That you're the one that impressed me,
Not about your black acoustic,
Or every little word that you put on your poem.I could see you on another one's silhouette.
You're hiding upon the dusk,
Gone by the dawn,
See, I've mentioned these kinds of words too many times.I'm an anxiety little rain clouds,
Has been living by the wounds,
And never wanted to out of the woods,
Just to hear human sounds.You know it so well,
She's not good enough on depicting sky and clouds,
But she's addicted by the clouds,
Sadly, the sun just poked through the clouds,
It's totally disappeared just when you knew everything was never the same.You know everything won't be the same,
The past has changed us too well,
As long as I'm looking down the road,
Realize that my old broken heart man is gone.We might not be walking on the same path,
But I pray for thee, for thy storm to find it a place to fill in.
It's just not about clouds.-January 26th, 2019
Antologi Cerpen Dan Puisi
Genel KurguAntologi Cerpen Dan Puisi berisikan kumpulan puisi dan cerpen dan terkadang berisi kumpulan catatan yang murni dibuat sendiri oleh author sebagai pengisi waktu luang. Segala hal yang tertulis di sini sama sekali tidak bermaksud untuk menyinggung sia...