Chapter 1

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"Li-Li, oh, fuck, you're so big!" Harry cried as his boyfriend thrust into his hole. "Fuck, Harry, gonna cum!" Harry moaned again as Liam's thrusts became sloppy and erratic. "W-wait, Li, wait till-" Harry was cut off by a loud groan from Liam as he pumped Harry's hole full of cum. Once he was done, he pulled out and flopped down next to Harry. "Wow, that was great." Harry rolled his eyes. "Li, I wanted you to wait and cum with me." Liam sighed. "Babe, I couldn't hold it any longer. Sorry. Look, I gotta go, mum's gonna be home soon and she'll be pissed if I'm not there." Liam stood up and threw his clothes on.

"Bye, baby. See you tomorrow." Liam leaned in for a kiss but Harry just turned away. "Fine, be like that." Liam left the room, slamming the door behind him. Harry just put a hand on his cock and finished himself off, since Liam was too much of an ass to do it with his cock.

Harry came quickly and then cleaned himself off in the bathroom, taking a shower and dressing in comfy clothes. He was upset but used to it. Liam almost never let Harry finish. Sometimes he would give Harry a handjob if he was up for it, but Harry had to figure himself out most of the time. He wanted to confront Liam about it, but Liam was so defensive that he would probably break up with Harry rather than actually fix the problem.

The two had been together for so long that Harry didn't know if he could handle being single. At least the sex felt good while it was happening. It was just the climax that was, well, for lack of a better word, anticlimactic. Harry put up with it, though, because he really did enjoy being impaled by Liam's ten-inch Payne Train.

He opened a book and laid back on his bed to read for a little bit. His parents were going to be home late and he had nothing to do. Just as he was about to turn the page, he heard his phone buzz on his bedside table. It was his best mate, Niall.


wanna hang?


mine or yours?


yours, my mum is driving me mad right now

see you in ten

Harry set his phone back on his table and then went back to reading. When Niall came into Harry's room, he had his face buried in the book, completely ignoring the outside world. Niall yanked the book out of Harry's hands and smacked him over the head with it. "Ow, mate, I was reading that." Nial dropped the book on the floor and laid down next to Harry. "So, babes, why the glum face?" Harry sighed. "It's Li. He's just...not good. Like, I love him. I love him a lot. But the sex is just, ya know, eh." Niall nodded, "What's the problem? If there is a specific problem."

"Well, the sex is just the same thing, over and over again. And he never gets me to cum. I always have to do that myself." Niall nodded in understanding. "Maybe you guys should try to spice things up. Who knows, it may make it better for both of you guys. I get a bit of a kinky vibe from Liam. You guys should try bondage. I tried that once, the best orgasm I've ever had." Harry perked up. "Bondage? Like being tied up and stuff?" Niall nodded excitedly.

"Yeah, mate, and it's incredible. You get to give all control to the other person. And it feels so good to be dominated. Have you ever been tied to the headboard and fucked with no mercy? Because let me tell you, that shit feels incredible." Harry was intrigued and confused at the same time. "How do you trust the other person enough to let them do that? I love Liam, but I would be too scared to give anyone, even him, that much power over me." Niall thought for a second. "I don't know. I guess I just have a lot of trust in others. Look, Harry, I may not like Liam that much, but I do know he would never take advantage of you like that."

"You don't like him?" Harry seemed upset. "Babes, you know I don't like him. He's just so annoying. And possessive. Also, you just told me he doesn't please you right. How can I like a guy that doesn't make my best mate feel good?" Harry got up. "Niall, he's all I have. I'm happy, and you should be happy for me." Harry turned away from his friend and looked out the window, staring at the house across the street. It had been empty ever since Harry remembered. He never understood why no one would move there. It was a beautiful house, spacious. Harry loved it.

"Mate, are you even listening to me?" Harry shook his head and turned around. "Sorry, Niall, I'm just having a hard time focusing." Niall came over and clapped a hand on the curly-haired boy's shoulders. "I know, babes, I know. But just know, as much of a dick as Liam is, I will always love and support you." Harry nodded and leaned on the blonde's shoulder. "Thank you, Niall. I know you don't like Liam, I just try to convince myself that everyone loves him. He really is a sweet guy, it's just that he's not as good in bed as I wish he would be." Niall rubbed his back soothingly. "Just talk to him, ok? If he loves you, he'll understand." Harry nodded and the two just stared out the window for a while.

"D'you think anyone will ever move into that house. It's so depressing. Maybe we could move there one day when we're rich porn stars." Harry giggled and nuzzled farther into the blonde's shoulder. "We wouldn't do porn together, though, right?" Niall pinched the boy's perky bum. "I don't know, I might like to do a threesome with you. I don't usually top, but this ass might make me." Harry whined. "Stop, Niall, this bum is all Liam's." Niall laughed. "You're right. Wouldn't want to get on Liam's bad side. You may say he's a sweetheart, but those muscles scare the shit out of me."

"He wouldn't hurt you, Ni." Niall leaned his head on Harry's. "I've seen how possessive he can get, and I wouldn't want to make him upset in any way. Again, he works out a lot, and I know he can punch." Harry sighed. "I wish he would use those muscles on me instead of using them to beat up guys he hates." Niall tapped his bum. "There you go, babes. Sounding much kinkier. You're making progress." They burst into a fit of giggles and then went downstairs to watch some tv. 

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