Chapter 62

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Dr. Mason walked into the waiting room an hour later, still in her PPE, with a huge grin on her face. "Louis? Are you ready to meet your baby boy?" Louis stood up to shake her hand, which was thankfully bloody glove-free, and followed her back into Harry's recovery room. Louis opened the door to the room and smiled when he saw Harry on the bed with a small bundle cradled in his arms. "Hey, baby." Harry looked up and grinned at his boyfriend. "Hi, Lou. Do you want to meet your son?" Louis nodded with teary eyes, coming over to Harry's bed.

The younger lad scooted over and let Louis sit next to him, handing him the baby once he was settled. "Hi there. I'm your daddy. It's so nice to meet you. I've been waiting to see you for so long. You're so little. Got the cutest little nose, just like me." Louis tapped the baby's nose and he squirmed, waking up a bit. Harry chuckled and rolled his eyes at the boy. "Hi, boys, hope we're not interrupting." Harry looked up and shook his head at his mum, gesturing for the four new grandparents to come into the room. "Oh my god, he's adorable. Hand him to me."

Anne reached her hands out and Louis laughed, giving his son to her. He was screaming on the inside at that phrase. His son. He had a son. "Hi, baby. I'm your grandma, but you can call me Mama Anne or Mama Twist. This is your grandaddy, Robin. And over here are your other grandparents." She kissed the baby's forehead and passed him to Jay. "How are you feeling, Harrybear?" Anne came over to the other side of the bed and rubbed the boy's shoulder. "Eh. I've felt better. My lower abdomen aches a little but they've got me hopped up on painkillers so it's just a bit of a dull feeling." Anne kissed the boy's forehead and pushed his hair out of his eyes. "You look a little pale. Do you want something to eat?"

Harry nodded sleepily and Anne walked out of the room with Robin, promising to come back with not hospital food. Jay and Dan saw them leave and handed the baby back to Louis, saying their goodbyes before leaving the room as well. Harry leaned back over and curled up next to Louis, laying his head on the older lad's shoulder and playing with one of the baby's hands. "You know, Hazza, I am really proud of you. I know we already went through this, but I am amazed by how good you have done with everything. You are my idol, Haz. You are so strong, and beautiful, and so so so smart. I love you so much, Hazzy, and I love our little baby boy."

Harry smiled through his tears and kissed Louis, covering the baby's eyes with his hand. "I love you too, Loubear. What should we name him?" Louis rubbed his nose against Harry's and glanced at their boy. "I was thinking Lucas. Just to piss Niall off. Maybe he'll get really tall and annoy Niall even more." Harry snorted and shook his head at the boy. "As much as I would love to name my kid something just to piss Niall off, I don't think he looks like a Lucas. Maybe a Michael. We could call him Mike for short."

Louis smiled and stroked the baby's chubby cheek. "Mike. I like that. It fits him nicely. Now for the last name. Styles? Tomlinson? Styles-Tomlinson? Tomlinson-Styles? Which one sounds best for you?" Louis leaned over and kissed Harry's temple. "It's up to you. I pick the first name, you get the last, and we can compromise on the middle name." Harry laid a hand on Louis's thigh, which twitched under his touch. "I think Styles. He looks a lot more like his beautiful mum than his ruggedly handsome dad."

Harry giggled as Louis placed a light kiss beneath his ear where he was most ticklish. "And for the middle name?" Louis hummed for a second and laid his head onto Harry's. "I like the name James. It's Niall and Liam's middle name, and I think it fits with the name Michael." Louis looked at the baby and thought for a second. "I like it. We could call him M.J." Harry gasped in horror. "No, we are not calling him M.J. I hate that."

They both burst into laughter right as the other guys came in, all with stuffed animals and balloons and flowers in their arms. Zayn looked like a walking gift shop. "Haz, my boy, how are you feeling!" Harry flinched as Niall practically screamed in his ear. "Niall, we're in a fucking hospital. Shut the fuck up." The younger lad reached over and smacked Niall upside the head. Niall returned the favor by grabbing Harry's head and licking his ear. "Oh, gross. Dude, I just had a baby and you're treating me like this? You're not the godfather anymore." Harry crossed his arms grumpily and Niall's mouth dropped open in shock.

"Y-you...I-I'm the...You made me the godfather? This is m-my...godson?" Niall pointed to the baby and Harry nodded. "This is your godson, Niall. But you have to share him with Zayn. Two godfathers. Zayn, Niall, meet your beautiful godson, Michael James Styles. Liam, we gave him your middle name since you weren't another godfather, but it's also Niall's middle name, so that plan kind of backfired a little bit." Niall reached his hands out and Louis handed the baby boy over, Harry making sure that Niall was holding him correctly.

"Make sure you support his neck. Don't hold him too tight, either. A-and don't drop him, please. I won't be able to get a replacement for at least nine months, longer if the order doesn't get placed in time." Niall snorted and held the baby the way he wanted, cradling him close to his chest. "Hey, Mike. I'm your godfather. And this is my godhusband, Zayn. He's hot, innit? The wedding was beautiful, white flowers everywhere, and the honeymoon. Oh my god. Your godfather is so skilled. Zayn has a huge-" "Niall!" Harry motioned for the boy to cut it out and flipped him off. Zayn smirked and smacked Niall's bum, whispering something in his ear.

Niall threw his head back and barked out a laugh, making Harry shush him again. "Hey, baby, could you hand me our godson. I still just can't believe we made a godbaby together." Niall passed the baby over to Zayn as Harry rolled his eyes at them. '"Enough with the god stuff, guys. We get it." Zayn stuck his tongue out at the curly-haired boy and cooed at the baby, tickling his tummy lightly. "So, what was it like when you realized you had gone into labor? What were you doing?"

Zayn sat on the edge of the bed after handing the baby to Liam, setting a hand on Harry's ankle. Louis and Harry shared a look and the younger lad flushed the color of a tomato. "We were, uh, you know..." Niall snorted and tried to cover it up with a cough. "Did you force his water to break with your dick, Louis?" Zayn hid a smile behind his hand and even Liam's mouth twitched up like he was trying not to laugh. "For your information, Nigel, we hadn't started the actual fucking yet." Harry groaned and flopped his head back onto the pillow. "Do you mind not telling our friends everything about our sex life?" Louis shrugged and held his hands up.

"What, Haz? It's not like I told them about your daddy kink. Or the praise kink. Or the pain and bondage kin-" Harry slapped a hand over Louis's mouth and elbowed him in the hip. "Ow, Jesus, Haz. You know, right now I wish I had a pain kink." Louis cried out in pain as he was elbowed in the hip again. "Ooooh, Haz is a kinky little boy, huh?" Niall reached down and pinched Harry's nipple, making the boy grab his hand and bite down on it. "Oi! Dickhead, I'm not the kinky one. No biting."

Niall walked to the other side of the room and crossed his arms, sulking in the corner by the door. "Li, can I have my baby back? I miss him." Harry made grabby hands for the small baby in Liam's arms, making a pouty face. Liam smiled and handed him the baby, ruffling Harry's sweaty curls. Harry took the baby from him and kissed his forehead, holding him close to his chest. He cuddled up next to Louis, creating the perfect picture of a family, and yawned quietly in Louis's ear.

"Uh, guys, Haz needs his rest. You should probably leave, go back home and shower. Come back later and I promise we will have the best party here. Zayn can bring the weed, Niall can bring the Guinness, Liam, I bet with your rich people connections you could get us some cocaine. We could cut some little baby lines on a mirror for Michael." Harry was too tired to even attack Louis for what he was joking about. "Bye, guys. We'll see you in a bit. Maybe tomorrow, yeah?"

The guys all waved to them and left the room, shutting the door behind them. Louis scooted lower onto the bed and pulled Harry closer, looking at the small baby lying in his arms. "Go to sleep, baby. I love you." Harry hummed and closed his eyes, his breathing soon slowing down. Louis swept a curl out of the boy's eyes and kissed the top of his head. inhaling the smell of his lovely boy. "My beautiful family."

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