Chapter 35

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Harry woke up to the sun shining brightly in his face and the sound of kids shouting nearby. He was confused when he felt something hard beneath him that was most definitely not his bed. His eyes slowly blinked against the bright sunlight and once they were open fully, he shot straight up. He and Louis fell asleep. On the bench. At the park. Shit, he was in serious trouble.

"Louis. Louis! Wake up, Louis, we need to go!" Harry shook Louis's shoulders harshly but he slept like a rock. Side effects of having younger siblings that tended to wake him up at 6 in the morning. "Louis!" Harry smacked the boy's bum, trying desperately to get him up. He finally started to wake up, his eyes fluttering. "Mum, five more minutes." Harry huffed and tugged on the boy's arm. "Louis, we need to go!" Louis stirred at Harry's voice. "Hazza, what are yo- Oh shit." He looked at his surroundings. "Yeah, oh shit is right. We need to get home now or my parents are going to shit themselves. Yours too, probably." Louis nodded and popped up, pulling Harry toward his car.

The older boy sped home, parallel parking haphazardly outside of his house. "Do you want me to walk you over there, Haz? Maybe I could talk to your parents, explain everything." Harry shook his head frantically. "No, they're already gonna kill me, so what could you do? Explain that I got off on your leg and then we fell asleep on a bench. I don't know if that worked on your ex's parents but it definitely won't work on mine." Louis sighed and leaned back onto his headrest.

"Ok, baby. See you...well, see you sometime. If your parents don't ban you from ever seeing me again." Harry smiled apologetically. "I'm sorry, Lou. I'll see you later, ok? Maybe call you?" Louis nodded and the younger lad reached across the center console to kiss him goodbye. They were interrupted by a loud knock on the window. Harry practically jumped back to his side of the car and Louis opened the door, seeing Harry's stepdad, Robin. "Hi, Mr. Twi-" Louis was stopped by the man's booming voice.

"Get in the house now, Harry. You too, Louis, your parents are worried sick." Louis gulped and climbed out of the car, turning to go to his house. "No, Louis, my house. Your parents are over there. They waited with us." Louis hung his head in shame and crossed the street. He made sure to keep his distance from Robin, who had a firm grip on Harry's upper arm. When they walked through the front door and into the kitchen, they were met with three pairs of eyes, filled with anger and concern.

"Here they are. Found 'em snogging in Louis's car across the street. Guess we know what they were doing last night." Louis so badly wanted to say something but he knew he would be shot down by one of the angry parents in the room. "Louis, I am so disappointed in you. I thought you were better than this. Not only did you stay out all night, but you told us nothing. No call. No text. Not even a carrier pigeon." Louis wanted to smile at that but he knew it was a bad time. "You too, Harry," Anne stepped into the conversation. "I thought that since you and Liam split, you would be better. I was wrong. What the bloody hell were you thinking?" Anne was fuming and Harry thought he had never been more scared in his life. "Do either of you want to explain?" Harry nudged Louis, who stepped forward.

"It's all my fault. Haz and I were supposed to go to dinner and then walk around town but we never ate. The restaurant kicked us out of our private room to put Liam's family in there. So we left. We went to the park and hung out on the bench for a while and I guess we fell asleep. That's it. We didn't do anything." Anne snorted at that last statement. "Louis, we're not stupid. You and my son went out on a date and stayed out all night. Doesn't matter where you were or what you tell us, we know what you were actually doing." Harry sighed and rubbed Louis's shoulder. They were in for a long ride.

"Louis William Tomlinson, what are we going to do with you? You and Harry are together for less than a month and you two are coming home drunk together, staying out all night. It's absolutely ridiculous!" Dan slammed his fist on the table. Anger flooded Anne and Robin's eyes. "Drunk? Harry Edward Styles! When did you get drunk?" Harry cowered back. "Well? I'm waiting." Harry looked up, eyes tearful. "I'm sorry, dad, okay? The night Li and I broke up I got really drunk. We had gotten into a bad fight and I was really upset." Robin sighed and sat down next to Dan.

"Son, it's not the drinking that's the problem. You're almost eighteen for God's sake, you drinking is the least of my worries. But it's the being irresponsible that's the problem. You got drunk at a party where there were bad people and bad things. You never told us that you got drunk. You never actually told us about you and Louis's little relationship until yesterday. You stayed out all night with your boyfriend. You fell asleep on a park bench, for fuck's sake! These are not things that a responsible kid does! They are things that a delinquent does! I did not raise a Goddamn delinquent, Harry!" A vein bulged out of Robin's forehead.

"Well, you know what, Robin? You didn't raise me, so if I'm a delinquent, then at least you don't get the blame for it!" Robin stood up, knocking the table forwards. "You do not talk to me like that, young man! I raised you better than your skunkbag of a father did! Harry, you are my son and I will hold you up to my standards!" Harry held onto Louis's arm tightly, frightened of his stepdad. He calmed a bit when he saw his mum put a hand on Robin. "Robin, calm down, you're not solving anything by yelling." The man sighed and looked at the people in the room.

"I am deeply sorry for raising my voice. Harry, I love you a lot, and I do think of you as my own, so please forgive me when I say that I just want what's best for you." Harry sniffled and walked over to the man, stepping into his open arms and melting into the familiar embrace. "I'm sorry dad, I want to be good. It really was an accident." Robin swayed the boy back and forth. "It's ok, son. Your mum and I were just worried. We were all worried. That doesn't mean you're getting out of a punishment, though." Harry giggled into the man's shirt. Robin just held him, not caring about the snot Harry was getting on his brand new Oxford button-up.

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