Chapter 22

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Niall was right. Harry was almost certain that all three of those boys creamed their trousers when they saw his outfit. Harry cleared his throat and Liam was the first to speak up. "Wow, baby. I've never seen this on you. It's...fuck. I don't even know what to say. Come sit on my lap, baby." Harry complied and plopped his light blue skater skirt-clad bum directly on Liam's crotch. He giggled a bit when he felt Liam's half-hard dick press between his cheeks. Liam leaned forward and whispered in the boy's ear, "Fuck, baby, I'm so hard for you. I may need to take you into the bathroom for some 'special time'." Harry bit his lip and glanced at Louis, trying to see if he had heard anything.

"Harry, you look really good," Louis said with a dry mouth, his eyes scanning Harry. Zayn nodded, licking his lips. "Yeah, mate, you look nice." Harry giggled and messed with the bottom of his skirt. He shifted a little bit, trying to slide off of Liam's lap, but Liam just tightened his grip around Harry's waist. "Li, let me go, I don't want to be rude." Liam sighed loudly and gave in, but not before he slid a hand up Harry's thigh and grazed it over his crotch. The small boy stiffened and got off of Liam, shivering at the feeling of his bare thighs touching the pleather of the booth.

"Hi, kids, I'll be your waitress this evening. What would you boys like t-" The woman paused as she saw Harry. "Sorry, what would you boys and your little girlfriend like?" Harry cleared his throat. "Umm, I'm a boy." Liam settled a hand too far up on Harry's thigh for his comfort. "No, love, you're a girl. You're a girl tonight because you're wearing that skirt. Don't be rude to the waitress." Harry wanted to speak up but it's like he forgot how to talk. Louis saw this and came to the rescue. "No, ma'ame. He's a boy, his boyfriend's just being a prick. Just because he's wearing a skirt doesn't make him a girl." Liam rolled his eyes as Louis glared at him and the waitress just stood there.

"Whatever. Just give me your drink orders." Louis looked around the table, waiting for someone to say something. "I guess I'll start. I'll have a Corona." The woman put a hand on her hip. "ID?" Louis dug in his wallet and handed the card to her. "Looks real, but if it's fake you're out of here. What do you want?" She turned toward Zayn after handing the card back to Louis. "Uh, I'll have the same." Liam raised a hand. "Me, too. And a Dr. Pepper for this sweet boy next to me." The woman held her hands out for IDs and checked them with narrowed eyes. Then she handed them all back and went to the kitchen to get their drink orders in.

"Our poor little Harry here is too young to drink. Sorry, baby." Harry just rolled his eyes at Liam. He hated when Liam used that baby voice with him. "I'm not that much younger than you, y'know. I'll be eighteen soon. You're just being an asshole." Liam stiffened at the last comment and gripped Harry's thigh tightly. Harry scooted into the corner of the booth, trying to get further away from him. "So, Louis, what college are you going to this coming year?" Louis shook his head.

"I'm not going to college this year. I'm taking a year off to work on my music." Harry's eyes widened in interest. "Wow. You do music?" Louis nodded shyly. "Just a little bit. Nothing that good. I've been wanting to play my stuff for a real producer, so that's my plan for this coming year." Harry smiled and nodded. "I'm planning on going to community college and then transferring into a four-year university. It's a lot cheaper and I don't need all four years at a stupid expensive college." Louis chuckled.

"Yeah, university is way more expensive than it needs to be." Louis glanced at Liam, trying to see any kind of reaction. His jaw was tensed and he was gripping the table with one of his too-big hands. Louis smirked and then amped up the flirting. "Haz, my brother and sister want to see you again, so maybe you could come over sometime soon, yeah?" Harry nodded enthusiastically. "Yeah. I really want to meet the rest of your family, too." Louis smiled at the boy.

"Baby, when am I gonna meet your family?" Zayn whined at Louis. Louis giggled. "You'll meet them soon, baby, I promise. I just don't want to share you quite yet." Zayn pecked his cheek, too close to Louis's mouth for Harry's comfort. "Baby, don't want to give everyone a show. Keep on your side." Zayn whined in his throat. "No." He wrapped an arm around Louis, tugging him closer and nipping at his ear. "Mine. All mine." Louis made direct eye contact with Harry, who gulped and shied away quickly.

"You know, you two make a great couple. We should definitely go on more double dates." Liam winked at Louis, making him lean onto Zayn and pull him closer. The two were practically on top of each other. "Yeah, if Zayn and I can find the time. We've been pretty...busy, lately." Louis licked his lips and winked at Zayn. Zayn giggled and kissed Louis's neck. Harry saw what they were doing and decided to kick it up a notch.

"Li-Li and I have the same problem. We can't keep our hands off each other. We've been kicked out of so many public places for messing around, I can't even count." Harry grinned at his boyfriend and rubbed his upper knee lovingly. Louis clenched his jaw and squeezed Zayn a little too hard. Zayn noticed and whispered something into the boy's ear. The boy nodded and the two of them stood up.

"We're gonna run to the restroom. Be back in a jiff." Liam stopped them and dug into his back pocket, tossing something to Louis. Louis caught it and saw that it was a condom. "Be safe. We may have to do the same thing in a bit if Harry keeps looking so sexy." Harry smiled uncomfortably and waved at the two boys as they walked to the bathroom. When they got in there, Zayn immediately pulled Louis into a tight hug.

"Are you alright, babes?" Louis shook his head on Zayn's shoulder. "I just want this to be over. I just want to fucking cut off Liam's dick and get my Harry. I'm so tired of this bullshit." Zayn nodded and stroked Louis's hair. "I know, love. I know it's hard. It'll all be done soon, okay? Can you give me a nice big smile?" The two pulled away from each other and Louis smiled at Zayn. Zayn reached out and pinched the boy's cheek.

"There's that gorgeous smile. Now, let's make it look like we fucked so we can make Harry jealous." Louis surged forward and started sucking on the boy's neck, catching him by surprise. He let out a throaty laugh. "That's one way to do it. C'mon, let me mess up your shirt." The two boys started messing up each other's clothes, wrinkling them all up. Then they pinched each other's cheeks as they sucked on their bottom lips, trying to make themselves look fucked-out.

"Wonderful. Now let's wait a little bit because it hasn't been long enough yet." The two waited for another couple of minutes then nodded at each other, walking out of the restroom hand-in-hand. "Well, lads, you look proper fucked. Was it good?" Louis giggled and leaned onto Zayn's shoulder as Liam wagged a finger at the two. "Yeah, it was great. Almost had to gag Louis to keep him quiet." The two slid back into their seats, trying to seem both sheepish yet confident at the same time.

"Well, baby, since the bathroom's free now, looks like it's our turn." Liam stood up and tried to pull Harry up with him but he refused. "No Liam, I don't want to." Liam sighed and tugged on the boy's arm. "C'mon, baby, don't be a brat." Liam pulled at Harry again but he stayed. "No, Liam, I don't want to." Liam groaned and went to pick the byo up under his arms. "Harry, stop being a fucking bitch and come on." Harry finally lost it. "No, Liam! Okay? No! I don't want to fuck in a burger joint! Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to go." Harry grabbed his bag and then stormed out of the place, Liam just standing there in shock.

Once Harry reached the sidewalk he dropped to the ground and curled up into a ball. He sobbed, his heart breaking even more with every cry. The boy was so tired. He pulled out his phone with shaky hands and hit the speed dial. Harry listened to it ring and the person finally picked up. "Harry? What's up?" Harry just sobbed, not able to find words to express what he needed. Niall understood.

"Okay, baby, I'm coming to get you. Stay there and stay safe. Actually, keep me on the line." Harry nodded, even though Niall couldn't see him, and kept the call going. He finally ended it when Niall's familiar car sped into the lot and stopped right in front of him. "Baby." Niall sat down next to the boy and pulled him into his lap. "It's alright. Shhh, you'll be okay. Let's get you home." Niall stood up with the small boy in his arms and set him in the open passenger's seat. Then he went around to the other side and got in, reversing out of the lot. Harry's eyes shut fully, sleep overtaking him as Niall rubbed his thigh soothingly.

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