Chapter 52

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Harry woke up the next morning with a heavy bladder and the extreme need to vomit. He hopped out of Louis's bed and ran to the bathroom, immediately emptying his stomach contents into the toilet. Once he was done with that, he flushed and then stood up to piss. Harry sighed in content, happy to finally have relief. He already had a small bladder, and he knew that being pregnant was going to make it worse. I mean, he was going to have a fucking fetus sitting on his bladder 24/7. Of course that would make him have to piss a lot.

Louis came into the bathroom while Harry was washing his hands. He slid his arms around the smaller boy's waist and pressed a cheek to his bare shoulder. "Morning, baby. How are you feeling?" Harry dried his hands and turned around in Louis's arms, pecking his lips lightly. "I'm feeling better. Now that I know what's making me sick. How did you sleep?" Louis hummed and nosed at Harry's neck. "I slept great cause you were next to me. I just had a hard time getting to sleep. Too busy thinking about us, the baby, your parents." Harry sighed. "I just don't understand. Why did they keep that from me?"

Louis shrugged and pulled the boy closer, placing butterfly kisses all over his neck and face. The boy giggled cutely and squirmed away from the kisses, feeling very ticklish. "Louuu, stop!" Louis chased the boy back to his bedroom and tackled him, pinning him to the bed. Harry wiggled around underneath Louis and gasped as he dug into his sides. "Daddyyy!" Louis immediately stopped, wondering when this turned sexual. "Haz? Are you turned on right now?" Harry shook his head and bit his lip shyly. "Why are you calling me daddy? You only do that when you want me."

Harry made grabby hands at the boy and pulled him down to whisper in his ear. "Want you to be my daddy and take care of me. Want to call you that whenever. Not just when I'm horny." Louis cooed at the boy and kissed his cheek. He rubbed his hands up and down the small boy's sides and placed light kisses all over his collarbones. Harry sighed in content and looped his fingers in Louis's messy hair, making the older lad suck harder at his neck. "Haz, you're gonna be the death of me. Do you know that?" Harry giggled and nodded, causing Louis to groan loudly.

Daddy?" Louis looked up from where he had been sucking a mark onto Harry's jugular. "Yeah, baby?" Harry sighed and cupped Louis's cheek. "I'm so excited. We're going to have a baby. A baby is growing inside of me." His eyes teared up and Louis kissed him with so much love. "I'm excited too, baby. Your body is amazing. I can't believe that I'm gonna be a dad in, like, eight months." Harry pressed his hands to where his bump was going to be. "You already are a dad. You're already taking care of this little guy, and you love them, and you want to keep them safe. Those things are the things a dad does."

Louis bit his lip to keep from crying any harder. Tears rolled down his cheeks and he smiled bigger than he had ever smiled. He put a hand on top of Harry's and leaned close to his belly. "Hey, buddy. I'm your dad. I'm gonna love you, and change your diapers. I'm gonna be so much better than my dad was. You're so lucky to have Haz as your other dad. He's the best guy in the world and if you won't see that, I may have to disown you." Harry giggled at that. "I love you." He kissed the boy's stomach and then sat back up, kissing his baby's other dad. "Lou?" Louis hummed and rolled them over, laying Harry on his chest.

"Want to be the mummy. Not the other dad. I wanna be my baby's mummy." Louis smiled and nodded. "Of course, baby. You can be whatever you want. My little mommy, all perfect with a baby in his perfect tummy. I love you, baby." Harry curled closer to Louis and kissed the top of his chest. "I love you too, daddy. Gonna be the best parents in the world. All for our baby." Louis pet the boy's hair and they stayed like that for hours, just wanting to be close to each other. Mommy and Daddy, and their little baby.

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