Chapter 32

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"Here is your wine, Mr. and Mr. Tomlinson, and here are your glasses." The waitress came back with the bottle and handed Louis an opener, giving him the honor of popping the cork. "Thank you, ma'am." Louis nodded at her nicely. She pulled her notebook out of her pocket and clicked her pen open. "What would you gentlemen like to eat?" Louis gestured to Harry to answer but he blushed and shook his head. Louis smiled at how adorable he was and turned back to his menu. "Umm, he'll have the mozzarella stuffed chicken and a side of the mash. I'll have the sirloin steak also with the side of mash."

The woman nodded and took the menus from the boys. "Alright, I'll put your orders in and get your food to you as soon as I can." Louis nodded and the woman left the private room once again. Louis grabbed the bottle and the opener, standing to get enough leverage to put the corkscrew in. He twisted it in until it was deep enough, then pulled it out with a satisfying pop. Harry clapped his hands and cheered, making Louis relieved that they were in a private room. "Here you go, baby. Fancy wine for my fancy boy." Harry giggled as Louis poured him the glass, making Louis grin even more. He was just so cute.

"Clink, darling." Louis and Harry clinked their glasses and sipped lightly, tasting the dark wine thoughtfully. "I like it. Tastes really rich." Harry giggled and swirled the wine around in the glass. "You sound like a posh old man." Louis smacked Harry's hand. "Oh shut up." Harry almost sloshed his wine out of his glass when he laughed again. "Careful, love, don't want to spill all over your pretty clothes." Louis waved his hand up and down, subtly examining Harry's body.

"Have I already gotten you drunk, love?" Harry giggled and shook his head. "Nope." He popped his 'p'. "Are you sure? You're acting very silly." Harry shook his curls and sipped his wine once more. This was heaven. "I feel like a queen, with my wine and my expensive husband." Louis gasped. "Expensive husband? Am I just some shiny new toy for you to play with? We are not living a real-life version of Cruel Summer by Taylor Swift, lovely. I'm a real person with feelings. I'm hurt that you would even consider me like that." Harry scrunched his nose at his boyfriend.

"I would love to live a life like Cruel Summer." Louis sighed and rolled his eyes. Harry huffed. "Hey, I'm the angel, so I'm supposed to roll my eyes. You roll the dice." Louis shook his head and popped up, walking over to Harry and tickling his sides. "I'll roll your dice, you little bratty angel." Harry gasped for breath as Louis dug into his armpits to tickle him even harder. Louis kissed all over the boy's face as he tickled him and licked the shell of his ear, making him squeal.

"Excuse me, sirs." The boys stopped and Louis stood straight, fixing his tie. The waitress was back, but there was no food in her hands. "I'm sorry to do this, but we need the room." Louis furrowed his brows. "I paid for the room already. I'm not giving it up." The woman held out a hand and gestured to the door. "You will get a full refund, but we need this room. Please leave, we need to clear the table." Louis shook his head and sat down. "I want this room. You can't just give it to someone else when it's already been reserved." The woman sighed.

"We have some high-paying customers here and they wish to have this room. They are regulars here and eat in this room every time. They may stop coming if they don't get this room, and that would be bad for our business. I can speak to my manager and we can possibly figure out a way to get you a discount on your meal if that's what you wish, but we really need you to leave."

Harry laid a hand on Louis's, wanting to keep him from saying something rude. "That would be lovely, ma'ame. I'm sorry about my husband's attitude." The woman nodded and went up to clear their table. "Just wait in here and I will be back with the other family, then I can take you to a new table." Harry nodded graciously, glad that the woman hadn't thrown them out for Louis's behavior. The woman left with their silverware and napkins, leaving the two boys at their stripped table.

"Why do we have to give up this room? I fucking paid for it." Harry stood up and went behind Louis, massaging his shoulders gently, leaning forward to whisper in his ear. "I know, love, but it's ok. We can still enjoy our dinner and we get a discount. That's good." Louis sighed and tipped his head back, allowing Harry to place a soft kiss on his pouty lips. "I just want you to be happy. This was supposed to be an amazing night for us but now it's being ruined by whoever bought the room." Harry shook his head and nuzzled his nose against Louis's.

"This is still an amazing night because I'm here with you." Louis stuck his tongue out and Harry nipped it, sucking on it lightly. "I want you." Louis nodded and pecked his lips. "You've got me right here, baby. I'm here and I'm all yours." They stayed there for a few minutes, just staring into each other's eyes until they were interrupted by the waitress coming back with the other patrons.

"Here you go, Dr. and Dr. Payne. The couple in here will be out soon. Mr. and Mr. Tomlinson, this way." The boys separated and stood up fully, pausing when they saw who was in the room. Harry took a deep breath as Louis steered him out of the room, stopping when the boy spoke to him. "Hi, Harry. Hi, Louis." Harry gulped and glanced between his ex and his new beau. "Hi, Liam."

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