Chapter 47

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Harry sat in his car outside the gates to the familiar mansion. His hands tapped a nervous beat on the wheel, his heart pounded against his ribcage. He hadn't been there in so long and he was too nervous to even press the bright red button on the speaker. The boy finally gathered up the courage to press the button. "Payne residence. Name?" Harry sniffled quietly and pressed the speaker again. "Uh, Harry Styles." The man told him to wait one minute and then a loud buzzing sound was heard. The gates opened and Harry drove forward, parking in the round driveway right in front of the house.

The small lad walked up the steps and stopped at the massive front door, almost deciding to back out and go back home. He built up a small amount of confidence and grabbed the brass knocker on the door, knocking twice with it. Footsteps made their way to the door, getting louder quickly, and then the door was swung open by the only person Harry wanted to see at the moment. "Harry, what are y-" Liam was cut off by the small boy leaping into his arms and practically suffocating him in a boa constrictor-like hug. "Oh, Harrybear, what's wrong?" Harry didn't answer, just cried into Liam's shoulder, getting his white t-shirt damp.

Liam wrapped his arms around the boy and held him tight, never wanting to let him go ever again. "Baby, please, tell me what's going on?" Harry took a deep, shuddering breath and looked up at Liam. "Louis read our texts. He wants us to go on a-a break. Li, I don't know what to do without him." Liam felt anger at the mention of Louis's name. He respected that Harry was in a relationship, or, well, a suspended relationship, but he didn't want to hear that name. "Harry, I-I don't know what to say. Did you tell him about us or did he just make assumptions?" Harry let go of the boy, letting him breathe.

"He made assumptions. He thinks I cheated on him with you." Liam frowned and ran a hand through Harry's curls. "And he wouldn't let you explain anything?" Harry shook his head sadly. Liam pulled the small boy along and led him into the living room, wanting to get him more comfortable. He positioned the shivering boy down on the couch and sat next to him, pulling him close into his large embrace. "Shh, baby, it's ok, I've got you. You're here, and you're safe, and we have the whole house to ourselves, so don't feel embarrassed. Just let it all out, lovey. I'm here."

Liam rubbed the boy's side, trying to get him to loosen up and just calm down. Otherwise, he was going to make himself sick. "Li?" Harry said in a quiet voice. "Yeah, baby?" Liam tilted the boy's face to look at him, wanting to reassure him that he was there. "I need you." Liam nodded. "You've got me, baby." Harry shook his head. "No, I need you. Please?" Harry's eyes were impossibly wide and Liam just couldn't resist the innocence in them. "Oh. O-okay, baby, let me take care of you. I want you to be taken care of." Harry surged forward and kissed the boy, forcing his tongue into his mouth.

Liam froze and stopped the kiss, pushing the boy's face away. "Let me get you upstairs, okay?" Harry licked his lips and leaned in to kiss him again but Liam put a finger against his lips. "Let me carry you upstairs and get you comfortable." He scooped the small, quivering boy up in his muscular arms and carried him up the stairs, kicking his bedroom door open. The bigger lad dropped the boy and crawled on top of him, capturing his lips in a caring yet bruising kiss. Harry immediately pulled Liam down to him and ran his hands up and down his rippling back muscles. "I've missed this, Harry."

Harry gasped as Liam started sucking on his neck, squirming around as his cock started to fatten up. His narrow hips jerked up, trying to get some friction onto his hardening cock. "Shh, baby. I'm gonna make you feel so good." The smaller boy moaned loudly when Liam started grinding his experienced hips down onto Harry's smaller, more delicate ones. "Oh, daddy, please." Liam stopped when he heard that word slip out of Harry's perfect lips. "Do you have a daddy kink, Harry?" Harry nodded and lifted his hips again, trying pathetically to get more from Liam. "Okay, baby, call me daddy."

With no warning, Liam slid Harry's pants and panties all the way down and tossed them to the corner of the room. He raked his eyes over Harry's gorgeous body and licked his lips. "You look just as perfect as the last time I saw you, maybe even better. I'm gonna touch you, ok?" Liam stroked a hand over Harry's thigh, slowly working his way up to the boy's leaking cock. "Already so wet for me. How many times are you gonna cum, baby?" He stroked with an even rhythm, having improved a lot since the last time he and Harry had been together. "Ah, daddy, wanna cum twice. Can I c-cum twice?"

Liam reassured the boy with a kiss to his inner thighs. "Yes, baby, you can cum as many times as you want as long as you're up for it. Now, flip over for me, wanna open you up with my tongue." Harry obediently turned over and laid on his stomach, his legs spread wide and inviting. He let out a near-scream when he felt Liam's wet tongue ram into his hole, licking around all over his inner walls. "Oh, you taste so good, baby," Liam moaned into Harry's hole, making the boy's legs tremble with pleasure. "Daddy, pleeease, fuck me." Liam lapped at the boy's hole, opening it up for his huge cock.

"Want you to cum on my tongue, baby, then you can have my cock." He jabbed his tongue back in, going right onto Harry's prostate. The boy cried out, hips grinding down onto the bed. He began to slowly hump the bed with the rhythm of Liam's wet muscle as it plunged into his hole, adding even more pleasure. "Daddy, gonna cum." Liam grabbed the boy's cheeks and dove deeper, making him sob. "Please, can I cum?" Liam came up for air and rubbed the boy's inner thigh. "Yes, baby, want you to cum all over yourself." He went back in and licked around the rim, his small amount of facial hair scraping the bottom of Harry's ass.

The boy shook from a full-body tremor and then shot his cum up his torso, hitting the base of his neck with small droplets. "Good job, baby. Did so good for daddy. Now you're gonna cum on daddy's big cock." Harry whined loudly and spread his legs even wider, almost in a split. "Daddy, fuck me now. I'm so ready for you." Liam grabbed a condom and some lube from his bedside drawer, slicking himself up quickly. He positioned himself over top of Harry with his cock lined right up against his hole. "Ready, baby?" He pecked the boy's shoulder. "Yeah, daddy, yeah." Harry sounded out of breath and Liam swelled with pride knowing that he made him sound like that.

He rammed his cock into Harry, making the boy let out a yelp of both pain and pleasure. "Oh, daddy, pleeease!" Liam pounded into him mercilessly, hitting his prostate with every jolting thrust. Harry slid up the bed with the force of Liam, a stream of moans pouring out of his mouth with the feeling of his cock rubbing on the mattress. "Ah, ah, daddy, make me cum!" Liam sped up, his skin slapping loudly against Harry's. "Baby, I want you to cum with me, okay?" Harry moaned again and pushed back against Liam.

"Now. Cum now, Harry." Harry screamed and came for a second time, only a small dribble coming out and dripping onto the sheets below him. "Daddyyyy." Liam shot his hot load into the condom and then pulled out, tying the condom before tossing it into the trash. Liam grabbed some baby wipes from his bedside table, keeping them there for when he needs to clean up his own cum, and wiped Harry down gently.

He scooped the boy up and laid him down under the covers and slid in next to him, spooning the boy from behind. "I missed you so much, baby." Harry hummed happily and wiggled back into Liam, giggling when he felt the boy's soft cock slide against his crack. "Missed you, too, Li. Thank you for taking care of me." Liam kissed the boy's neck and cuddled him tightly, falling asleep quickly with his favorite boy lying in his arms.

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