Chapter 53

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3 Months Later

Harry stretched out on the couch once he had gotten his bowl of mixed fruit, ready to just relax and rest his swollen ankles. He hadn't been on his feet for that long, but his back and ankles were killing him. After turning the tv on to his favorite show, he ate some of his pineapple chunks while rubbing his baby bump absentmindedly. It could barely be called a bump anymore. Harry felt huge. He and Louis both thought that it might be twins, but the doctor told them that it was only one fetus. A ginormous fetus that hurt his back and made him have to piss all the fucking time.

Harry finished the large bowl of fruit quickly but was left still hungry. His appetite had been awful recently and it made him feel like a monster. He was always hungry, but he could never satisfy that hunger. If he submitted to every little craving he had, he would have gained 400 pounds since the start of his second trimester. He sat up and walked around a little bit, wanting to get at least a little bit of exercise. The doctor told him that he needed to stay as healthy as possible to keep the fetus healthy. He was supposed to eat lots of fruits and veggies, go on walks, and 'sustain a routine and healthy lifestyle' (her words).

Louis and Harry tried to keep it as routine as possible. One or both of them would go to work every day and then they would come home and eat dinner together. They traded off between eating at Harry's house and eating at Louis's house. Harry liked eating at Louis's because it meant getting to see children and get more experience with them. Louis liked eating at Harry's house because it meant calm and quiet. No screaming girls or crying babies.

Sometimes the boys argued over whether Harry should still be working. Harry wanted to continue work because he knew they needed money and he was still able to work on his feet. Louis said that Harry should stop because he didn't want him to stress, which was ridiculous since there was no such thing as stress at the bakery. There was always a steady flow of customers but there was hardly ever a rush. Harry loved working there, and he liked the routine of it. He knew that keeping the job was a great way to get out of the house and every cent went toward their baby's crib and other shit that Harry said they needed to buy for it. Louis thought the baby could just sleep on a mat on the floor.

"Hi, baby. How are you doing? Are you feeling hungry? Cause I am. I want chips and dip. Not these dumb fruit bowls that your daddy keeps telling me to eat." Harry had begun speaking to the baby at about two months, finding comfort in it. He had no one to talk to when he wasn't working, and the baby never interrupted him, so he just kind of narrated everything he was doing. He asked questions, even though he knew he wouldn't get answers, and he complained about how oppressive Louis was.

Harry was starting to get so irritated with Louis. He was just being so...loving. He was all over Harry all the time. Constantly asking Harry if he wanted him to massage his feet, taking things from him and telling him to go rest instead, drawing rose baths for him every night without asking. It pissed him off. Sure, Harry loved being spoiled. But Louis was just too much to handle. Harry wanted Louis to treat him normally just once and not act like he was something fragile that could break at any time.

Harry was interrupted from his talking to the baby when the front door opened and Louis's voice rang through the house. "Hazzy? Baby, I'm home!" Louis came into the living room and grinned when he saw Harry sprawled out on the couch. "Hi, baby." He walked over and rubbed Harry's stomach. "Hi, little guy. Daddy's home." Harry smiled as Louis whispered to his belly and placed a light kiss on top of it. Even though Louis pissed him off a lot, he was still a great guy.

Harry pouted his lips for a kiss and Louis complied. They smooched loudly and then Louis sat down at the other end of the couch, moving Harry's little socked feet onto his lap. Before Harry could stop him, Louis started rubbing at the feet and massaging his arches. Harry sighed in content, unwillingly, and just let Louis massage him. He had great hands, and he knew how to use them.

"How was your day, baby? Not too stressful, I hope?" Harry shook his head and shifted lower down the couch. "Oh, it was fine. I cleaned my room up and vacuumed down here. Then I just sat around and watched tv." Louis nodded and slid the boy's striped socks off, grabbing the lotion from the side table. "What did you eat today?" Harry rolled his eyes at the ceiling. Louis asked that question every day that they didn't eat lunch together. "I, uh, had a turkey sandwich for lunch with some crisps and then I just ate a fruit bowl for a snack."

Louis hummed and focused on a knot in Harry's heel. "You know what I said about crisps. I want you to only eat healthy stuff. Don't want you hurting the baby." Harry groaned and sat up to glare at Louis. "Please stop with the whole healthy food thing. I'm fine. The baby is fine. You're just being overprotective. I can eat a bag of crisps every now and then, it won't kill me." Louis looked at the boy with guilt. "Sorry, baby. Just want you both to be ok. Can I fetch you anything? Hot towel? Essential oils?" Harry shook his head, resisting the urge to strangle Louis. He took deep breaths, trying to recall the breathing techniques that his birthing instructor had taught him.

That's right. Louis had gotten Harry a birthing instructor before the end of the first trimester. Most people didn't even think about birthing classes until the near end of the pregnancy. Just another reason for Harry to hate Louis. "Haz, are you mad at me? Because I feel like you're mad at me?" Louis looked at the boy with sad eyes. "Not mad, exactly. Just not happy." Louis stroked the smaller boy's calf and urged him to continue. "You, just, you're all over me. I need my space sometimes, Louis. I need to be able to do stuff for myself and not have you waiting on me hand and foot. I love you, baby, but you're just getting in my way."

Louis stopped his massaging. "I'm so sorry, baby. I just want to help take care of the baby and the baby is in you, so I have to take care of you in order to care for the baby." Harry sat up on his knees and leaned toward Louis, making him look at the smaller lad unsurely. "I love you, but I hate you when you pamper me. And before you say anything, I'm not gonna fall off the couch and injure myself. I'm fine." Louis looked down guiltily, Harry having caught him before he even opened his mouth. "Louis, I love you so much. I'm not mad, I hope you know that." Harry tilted the older lad's chin up and made kissy noises.

Louis chuckled and pulled the boy (gently) down into a deep kiss. Harry opened his mouth, allowing Louis to slide his tongue in, and swung his legs over the older boy's lap. He plopped down and rolled his hips, making Louis gasp into his mouth. "Baby." Louis couldn't finish what he was saying before he was pulled back into the kiss. "Hazzy, baby, stop." Harry whined but broke the kiss, frowning at his boyfriend for ruining his fun. "I don't know if it's safe for you to have sex. I don't want to hurt the baby."

Harry groaned and laid his head on Harry's shoulder. "C'mon, Louis, I'm so horny right now. You haven't done anything with me for so long." Louis ran his hands through Harry's curls. "I'm sorry, baby, but this is crossing a line. I genuinely don't know if sex could hurt the baby. We need to talk to the doctor first. She'll know." Harry gave in, knowing that there was no way to convince Louis to fuck him without talking to the doctor first. The boys laid back onto the sofa and cuddled until dinner time, Louis letting Harry handle the salad after a long, heated discussion (argument).

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