Chapter 46

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Louis woke up a few hours later, his neck aching from the weird angle he had been sleeping in. He sat up a little bit and rotated his neck and shoulders, trying to crack them. After he had gotten the crick out of his neck, he got out of bed, going over to pick up the toys still laying on the floor where he had discarded them earlier. The toys left some residual lube on the floor and Louis groaned, knowing that it was going to take forever to clean up. He looked over at Harry, seeing the dimming sunlight catching on the metallic collar around his neck. Harry was so pretty it made the older lad want to cry. He loved Harry so much.

Louis went over and unclipped the collar and leash from Harry's neck. Small indents were left in the collar's place. He took all of the special things to the bathroom to clean them, laying them all out on the counter and turning the faucet on. The boy first picked up the cockring and got some handsoap, drizzling it all over the pink toy. He scrubbed it thoroughly, getting off all of the lube, and then set it on a towel to dry. Next, he took the batteries out of the vibrator and scrubbed that, smirking as he thought about the amazing things Harry did with it.

The boy stopped his cleaning when he felt a small pair of arms wrap around his waist from behind. The smaller boy sighed loudly into Louis's back and tried to tug him back to his bedroom. "C'mon, daddy, I'm really cold and I wanna cuddle." Louis chuckled and turned around in the small boy's arms. "Baby, I gotta clean these things and get the lube off of the floor or it's not gonna come off later. I'll be in there in a little bit, okay. Until then, put some clothes on. Then you won't be so cold." Harry huffed loudly and stomped back to his room, the bed squeaking loudly when he flopped onto it.

"You know, you're acting like a brat, and brats get punished. I'd watch that little attitude if I were you," Louis called from the bathroom. Harry just grumbled something unintelligible and wiggled under the covers. He refused to listen to Louis and get dressed. Louis shook his head and went back to cleaning the vibrator, setting it next to the ring when he was done. He got a washcloth from under the sink and wet it, picking up the leather collar. Somehow, a few drops of cum had landed on it. Once he was done with all of that, he grabbed some cleaning supplies and went back into the bedroom, getting to work on scrubbing the lube off of the floor. Harry sat up in the bed and watched Louis clean the floor, feeling a heat start in his belly as he watched Louis's back muscles move under his shirt.

"All done, baby," Louis said as he stood up, opening his arms for the boy. Harry jumped out of the bed and ran into his arms, nearly knocking him over. "Okay, baby, what do you wanna do?" Before Harry could answer, his phone buzzed from the table his stereo was sitting on. "One sec, let me see who that is." He walked over and picked up the phone, a small smile forming as he read the message. "Who is that, baby?" Harry nearly dropped the phone and stuttered out an answer. "Uh, N-Niall." Louis nodded, but he didn't know if he should believe him. Harry typed something back, biting back a small smile from creeping onto his face, and then set his phone back onto the table.

Louis tugged him close, looping Harry's arms up around his neck. "Baby, are you lying to me?" Louis tilted the boy's chin up with his fingers. Harry shook his head with wide eyes. "No, I'm not lying to you. It was Niall, I promise." Louis sighed and pecked the boy's forehead, leading him back over to the bed. "Lay down, baby. Let's cuddle." Harry giggled as he was lightly tossed onto the mattress, feeling it bounce a little bit beneath him. "Silly little boy. Move over so I can lay down with you." Harry scooted over, giving Louis some room to flop down beside him, their legs tangling together almost immediately.

"My boy. So pretty. Love your curls." Harry scrunched his nose like a bunny when he felt a curl tickle his cheek. "Been growing it out for you. Do you like how long it is? Do you want me to cut it?" Louis frowned and stroked the boy's cheek. "God, no, baby, I love your hair. So long and curly. Perfect length for daddy to tug on when you suck his big cock." Harry squeezed his legs together tightly, trying his best not to get hard right after he had cum. "Am I getting you all riled up, baby?" Harry whined and moved Louis's hand from his thigh. "Don't want to, not right now." Louis nodded and kissed his cheek. "Ok, baby, I won't make you. Let's just cuddle, ok?" Harry nodded and moved closer to Louis, nuzzling his head in his chest. Louis wrapped his arms around the boy's waist.

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