Chapter 54

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"So, boys, are we all ready to see the fetus?" Harry clapped his hands gleefully as the doctor walked into the exam room. "Good, that's good. Harry, you know the drill. Could you please lift your gown for me?" Harry lifted the bottom of his gown over his protruding belly and rubbed it lightly. It was a comfort thing for him. He was always touching his belly. "Wow. That's a big belly. If I didn't know any better, I would think you're having twins or even triplets. This is going to be a big baby." The doctor turned on the ultrasound machine and opened up the goo that went on Harry's stomach.

"This is going to be a little cold, love, just a heads-up." Harry nodded and prepared himself for the cold that never failed to shock him. He gasped when he felt the cold touch his skin. "Good, love, you're doing great. Let me just move this around a little bit and maybe we can see the baby. Has the baby started kicking yet?" Louis looked at Harry with concern. "No, it hasn't. Is that bad? Was it supposed to have started kicking by now?" The doctor moved the wand a little lower, trying to find the fetus. "Not necessarily. Since this is your first baby, it may start to kick a little later. Kicking can start as late as 25 weeks."

Louis smiled at the reassurance. He liked knowing that the baby was most likely developing normally. "Ah! Here we are! I found the little guy." Harry looked at the screen where the doctor was pointing and smiled when he saw the little alien-looking thing. "Whoa. It's so...ugly." Harry smacked the older lad's arm harshly, making him cry out. "Hey, asshole, that's our baby. Don't call them ugly." Louis shrugged and looked to the doctor for help, who gave him nothing but a small smile.

"I'm not wrong. It is ugly. I still love it, though. I can't believe we actually made a baby. Wow." Louis moved closer to the screen and looked at the little fetus. "Can you hear that?" Louis strained his ears and listened closely, hearing a small thumping sound. "That's your baby's heartbeat." Harry wiped at his eyes and Louis held his free hand, having never felt closer to him than he did at that moment. "Would you like me to make some prints for you? I know a lot of first-time parents like to frame and hang them. Parents who aren't new rarely do that." The doctor chuckled lightly.

Harry nodded enthusiastically. "Yes yes yes! I want all of the pictures. Pictures f-for my parents, Louis's parents, uh, Zayn, a-and Niall, umm, I think my boss wanted one, maybe one for my au-" He was stopped from his rant by Louis's hand over his mouth. "Haz, I love you, but shut up." Harry's eyes widened and he bit Louis right on the palm. Louis quickly removed his hand from the boy's face. "Hey. You shut up. I'm just excited to give people pictures of the baby. You are right pissing on my fire."

Louis rolled his eyes and grabbed Harry's hand, licking all over his palm. The smaller lad yanked his hand back in disgust. "Ha! I got my revenge." Before Harry could say something back, the doctor cleared her throat. "Boys, I'd hate to interrupt anything, but I'm going to do it anyway." She laughed at her own joke before continuing when she got a look from the couple. "Uh, I have another appointment in ten minutes and I need to prepare the exam room for them. Here are your pictures."

She took a stack of prints and slid them into a manila envelope, handing them to Louis. Harry yanked the envelope out of his hands and opened it, admiring the pictures. "Alright, this has been a great visit. Make sure you keep up that healthy lifestyle. I'm going to leave to give you some privacy to get dressed. Remember, call me if you need anything. You boys still have my number, right?" Both boys nodded. "Okay, I'm out. See you boys at your next appointment." Harry nodded and Louis helped him stand up, leading him over to where his clothes were neatly folded.

Louis backed off of Harry when he got a slap to the ass for trying to pull Harry's pants up his legs for him. He stepped out of the room, seeing Dr. Mason looking through a chart, and waited in the hall, his foot tapping annoyingly on the floor. "Louis, you do know that the baby will be fine, right?" Louis turned to the doctor and raised a brow. "I can tell that you're nervous, but not in the normal way a new dad gets nervous. You're scared something's going to go wrong." The doctor placed a comforting hand on the boy's shoulder. "I can assure you that Harry will be fine. He and the baby are so healthy, which I bet you are the reason behind. Am I right?" Louis nodded, biting back a smile.

"You are going to be such a good dad, Louis. I know that from seeing the way you are with Harry. Please, just lay off of him. I can tell that you may be suffocating him a little bit. Give him some space. He needs it." Louis nodded and the doctor took her hand off his shoulder after giving it a reassuring squeeze. "Am I allowed to hug you or is that a big no-no?" The woman laughed and shook her head at the boy. "Come here." She pulled the boy into a motherly hug, wrapping her arms around him tightly.

The two pulled away when Harry opened the door to the exam room. "Hi, baby. Are you all ready to go?" Harry nodded and took Louis's hand, waving at the doctor with his free hand as they walked down the hall. Louis checked him out at the front desk, giving Harry time to look through the pregnancy brochures. He picked out a few booklets on early childhood development and another one on the best foods to eat during pregnancy. He got that one for Louis, just to make him happy.

Louis made his way back over to Harry and plucked one of the brochures out of his hands. "What's this? 'What the Crying Is All About: Nonverbal Signals that Your Baby Gives and What They Mean'. Seriously, Haz? You know what baby sounds mean better than anyone. You knew that Doris's nappy was full that one time before she even started crying. We don't need this." Louis slid the pamphlet back onto the rack and took the boy's hand, leading him out to the parking lot. "We already have so many brochures and booklets, baby. We don't need any more. Now, stop making that cute little pouty face."

Harry giggled but then stopped right in the middle of the lot. "Haz? Babe, c'mon, we gotta get back to make dinner." Harry shook his head. "I forgot to ask Dr. Mason if we can have sex. I need to go back in." Harry turned to go back into the building but Louis grabbed hold of his shirt before he took a step. "Baby, stop, we can ask her next time. She's busy right now." Harry whined in the back of his throat. "Noooo, I wanna ask her. I need you, Louis. We haven't done anything in so long. Please, can we just go back in?" Louis pulled the boy back to the car and opened the door for him, pushing the boy in. He turned the car on and pulled out of the lot, heading toward home.

"We can have sex when the doctor tells us we can have sex. And if she tells us that we can't, then we won't be having sex until after the baby is born." Harry groaned and slammed his head back onto the headrest, making Louis almost swerve the car off the road. "Haz! Be careful. Don't go around hitting your head on things. You could hurt yourself." Harry huffed and glared at Louis. "I thought we talked about you not being so protective of me. I don't know if you noticed, but this headrest here," he pointed at the headrest. "Is padded. It's supposed to protect me when I hit my head on it."

Louis rolled his eyes and turned onto their street, pulling into a parking space in front of his house. "Alright, baby, let's go in and make dinner. I went to the store with mum yesterday and we got some stuff to make pasta salad. I know how much you love pasta salad." Harry grudgingly got out of the car and walked up to the front door, keeping his distance from Louis. "Haz, you can't be mad at me forever. I'm sorry I want to be careful with our baby." Harry stomped into the house and flopped down on the couch, making it shift a little. "Baby, I love you, and if I knew I could have sex with you, I would take you right on this floor. But we don't know yet."

Louis leaned down and kissed Harry lovingly. "I'm sorry, daddy. Just really horny." Louis groaned, sounding like he was in pain, and dropped his head into the crook of Harry's neck. "You make me feel things I have never felt before. And some of them are very very naughty things. Dirty boy." Harry gasped as he felt a bite at his neck. "Louis, if you don't plan on putting your dick in me, I would suggest you stop right now." Louis huffed and sat up, looking at the boy with lust-blown pupils. "C'mon. Let's go make some pasta salad. I'll let you mix the sauce." Harry grinned and stood up, letting Louis lead him to the kitchen.

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