Chapter 42

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"Oh, fuck, Louis! Ah, ah, ah!" Harry nearly screamed himself hoarse and Louis was just admiring the boy bouncing on him. His thighs tightened every time he sat up and they jiggled the second he dropped back down. "Fuck, Haz, you're so tight, baby." Harry gasped and clawed at Louis's chest and shoulders, trying to find something solid to hold onto. He finally got purchase on the headboard behind Louis. The bed smacked against the wall, almost covering up the sound of the boys' skin slapping together.

Louis squeezed Harry's right ass cheek, making him gasp and cry out. They were both feeling so much pleasure. "Oh, baby, bounce faster, make daddy cum." Harry moaned and picked up the pace, hopping up and down like a jackrabbit on meth. The sounds that were slipping out of Harry's mouth were downright pornographic and Louis thought he could cum just from that. "Daddy, touch me, please!" Harry cried out as his bum slapped against Louis's thighs. Louis nodded and toyed with Harry's nipples, tweaking and pinching them lightly until they became red and puffy.

"Daddy, can I cum?" Louis eyed Harry's bright red cock that contrasted perfectly with the light pink cockring on it and shook his head with an evil glint in his eye. "No, baby, you're still being punished for talking back to daddy when he told you what to do." Harry whimpered loudly and ground his ass down onto Louis. "Please, daddy, need your touch." Louis grunted and slapped the boy's thigh harshly. "I said no, Harry. How many times do I have to say that?" Harry gasped at the stinging pain that ran through his leg. "Daddyyyy!" Louis rolled his eyes and gripped the boy's hips tightly. "Behave. Stop acting like a little bratty slut." Harry moaned at the name and Louis smirked.

"Does baby Harry like being called a slut? Hmmm?" Harry didn't answer, too focused on trying to get Louis's cock to graze over his special spot. He stopped bouncing when he felt a sharp smack to his ass cheek. "Ah, daddy!" Louis smacked him again. "When I ask a question, you answer me! Get off, now!" Harry whined loudly and shook his head. Louis raised his hand for another smack but Harry squirmed, scrambling off of Louis's lap before he could make contact with his skin. "Daddy, I'm so sorry!" Harry sobbed loudly, fat tears rolling down his cheeks.

Louis hummed and rubbed the red handprint forming on the boy's milky thigh. "I know you are, baby, but you need to learn to listen. Over my lap." Harry whimpered and laid his torso over Louis's legs, his little cock rubbing up against the older lad's thigh. "You get ten since this is your first spanking, but don't expect me to go this nice on you every time. Now, baby, tell me why I'm spanking you." Harry sniffled, his nose runny and eyes red-rimmed. "Baby, can you tell daddy why you're being punished?" Louis rubbed the boy's lower back to calm him down a little, knowing that it must be a lot for him to take in.

"I'm getting spanked because I disobeyed daddy and didn't answer him when he asked me a question." Louis hummed and traced the boy's spine. "And what are your colors?" Harry blanked for a second but repeated them once he remembered. "Green is good, yellow is slow down, and red is stop." Louis kissed Harry's right cheek in approval. "Good job, baby. And what color are you now?' The older lad never stopped petting Harry, wanting to keep him feeling safe and secure. "G-green." Louis nodded and prepared himself. "I want you to count for me and say thank you after each one. Ready?" Harry nodded in excitement and Louis raised his hand to strike the boy's fleshy cheek.


"One. Thank you, daddy."


"Two. Thank you, daddy."

Smack. Smack. Smack.

"Th-three, four, ah, five. Thank you, daddy."



Louis grunted and tapped Harry's balls with 2 fingers. Harry cried out at the new feeling and jerked forward. "Every time you mess up you get that, baby. You were at six, not seven. Now, continue." Harry took a second to recover from the smack to his most sensitive area to his body. Louis waited patiently, knowing that he needed time to adjust to all of this new stuff that was happening. "Color, baby?" Harry whined and shifted a little bit. "Green?" Louis rubbed over Harry's pink bum. "Are you sure, baby, or are you saying that for me?" Harry thought for a second. "No, daddy. Yellow. I'm sorry." Louis cooed and pulled the boy up to sit on his lap.

Harry sobbed into the older boy's shoulder as Louis just tried to soothe him. "Baby, don't apologize. There is nothing wrong with us wanting to slow down. I'm the one who should be apologizing. I'm sorry I just did this without really asking if you were okay with it." The boy just cried and cried, feeling both embarrassed and ashamed. He felt like he had made Louis upset by saying yellow. "Baby, shhh, don't cry. I'm so proud of you for actually coloring. That's what I want you to do. Please don't be sad, or else I'll have to tickle you." Harry gasped as the lad dug two fingers into his sides and tickled him. "No!" He shrieked, squirming out of the boy's lap. "Oh no you don't, Hazzy. The tickle monster is gonna get you." Louis wiggled his fingers at the boy tauntingly.

The smaller lad hopped up and ran away, cowering in a corner of the room. "I'm gonna get you, Haz." Harry shook his head and dashed to the other side of the room, dodging Louis as he did so. But Louis was not to be deceived. He spun around and as Harry was about to turn to run past Louis, he tackled the boy to the ground. The boy was immediately pinned to the floor since Louis was so much more muscular than him. He giggled and rolled around as Louis attacked his sides and underarms, trying to find his most ticklish spot. Louis knew he was there when the boy let out a loud squeal as Louis dug into his side.

"Hey, Harry, I just got ba- What the bloody hell is going on?" Louis and Harry stopped what they were doing and just froze, too scared and embarrassed to do anything. "Get up, now, and get some damn clothes on." The two boys jumped into action and ran around the room, trying to get their clothes that they had tossed away haphazardly earlier. "Get downstairs when you're done. Harry, your mother and I need to talk with you boys about your...behavior. Louis, I'm contacting your parents and I'll have them come over so we can all talk. Be down in ten minutes or you're both grounded for a month." Robin slammed the door behind him, making both boys jump.

"C'mon, Hazzy, let's get that ring off of you, okay?" Harry nodded and followed Louis to the bathroom down the hall. He pulled his trousers down and shivered as Louis put a hand on him, pulling the ring down slowly. "We don't have enough time to get rid of our little issues, baby, so you just have to trust me on this." Harry nodded, always being one to trust Louis. "I'll do it to me first and then I'll do it to you, okay?" Harry smiled lightly and Louis took an emergency ice pack out of the first aid kit under the sink. He banged it against the counter to activate it and then pressed it against his dick, making it immediately go soft. Harry stared with a worried look on his face.

"I'm so sorry, baby, but this isn't going to feel good." Harry sniffled and just leaned his head on Louis's shoulder for comfort. "It'll be over in a second, baby." He took the ice pack and pressed it against the boy's tiny cock, making him sob loudly, fisting Louis's shirt tightly. Louis nuzzled Harry's neck, trying to distract him from the extreme discomfort. He pressed the pack there until Harry went fully soft. Louis kissed Harry's forehead and pulled up the boy's pants, buttoning them for him. "All done, baby. Let's go get killed by our parents."

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